Chapter Thirty

297 11 23

Calculus is NO joke ya'll, beware
(Also a message at the end!!!!!)

Song: Vampire Empire by Big Theif

Everyone around me was ecstatic hearing the words, Hero, and, Name, Leave Mr. Aizawa's mouth. I would have been, but my creativity and all my ideas seem to have abandoned me, making me feel like I have never had an original thought in my entire life.

Mr.Aizawa quickly silenced the cheers by talking about more important matters, because apparently our hero name isn't just a silly little activity and actually has an affect on our future.
Our names are related to the pro hero draft picks, which is essentially offers during our third or fourth year for interning or becoming apart of agencies nearing or after graduation.

"For them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential."

Potential. I look down at my hands, its as if I can see my quirk's power coursing through my veins. It's potential was more than I ever thought, me being able to explode certain articles of clothing? That was something I never even considered. Sometimes it makes me think what else I haven't considered, what possibilities are there for me?

Ever since I have become aware of my ability to create explosions out of clothes, it has become more painfully aware whenever I brush someone's sleeve, I fold laundry. It is like the power in my blood whispers through me, begging me to just give the ok and let it blow up. Let everything go. And sometimes I listen, when I'm alone in my room and it is too quiet.

"These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation." 

I can just feel some of my classmate's tense up and shrink back in their seats hearing that. And I can't blame them, if they get a good opportunity and let it slip through their fingers? I'd be distraught.

"So we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, huh?" The invisible girl, Toru, speaks up, having a much more positive mindset towards this than I do.

Mr. Aizawa lazily clicks a button on a remote I didn't even notice he was holding, it lights up red, transforming the chalkboard into a screen that reveals those that actually got offers.

Todoroki took the lead with over 3,000, which makes sense. I glance at the solemn boy, who doesn't look phased, though he never really expresses much anyway.

Bakugou takes second, then Iida. Denki got some offers, which actually brought a smile to my face. My name pops up a little beneath his, attached to the number 110. I'm not disappointed, but for a third place winner, you'd think more eyes would've been on me. Though, not even my parents bothered to watch,.

"In other years, it's been more spread out. But all eyes were on these two this year." Mr.Aizawa gestures to Todoroki and Bakugou's offers.

"Gah, there's such a big difference!" My blonde friend tosses his head back in a dramatic despair. "You still got SOME offers, though, so it's not all that bad." I comment, leaning towards him. He looks at me from his upside down  with a pitiful golden retriever look.

Even in a shit mood, its hard not to find humor in how goofy Denki can be.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asks for you, you will ALL be participating in internships with pros."

I looked around at everyone, hoping they were all matching my confusion. Fortunately, the majority were doing the same as me.

Mr Aizawa starts talking about our run in with the villains at USJ, I feel myself drifting into my head when he mentions it. Nana comes to mind immediately, and my gut starts to sting from the place I felt her nails enter me. It throbs, and I suddenly feel slicked with sweat, and like I cannot breathe. I feel the iron of blood pooling in my mouth, and choking me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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