Chapter Twenty-Three

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School starts soon :,) love you all <3

PLEASE read this I beg of you all, I've started a Fivverr account for commissions! and I would love it if you could check it out :)  <<< THIS IS THE LINK! if it doesn't work you can find me at marcannotart :))


Song: SAY THAT YOU MISS ME by Mickey Darling 
(it's their newest song and I'm obsessed)

I shifted the weight I put on my legs back and forth and back and forth. My eyes flicker to my phone just to have the white thin numbers of the digital clock, the date and a picture that feels like forever ago of Hitoshi and me.  It was a picture I took that always cracks me up from how fucking weird it was. I was holding my phone out,mid-laugh, with my foot, pressed to Hitoshi's, trying to push him off the edge of his bed.  He, however, was mid-scream since my pushing was successful. This was captured moments before disaster.

But, I felt disappointed when every time I looked at my phone's face, I saw no notifications telling me Hitoshi had texted. He told me to meet him outside of school, so here I waited, watching the other students I haven't met walk past me with their conversations. Meanwhile, I was left with the hot blaring sun and no update from Hitoshi. He told me he had to stay back to talk to a teacher about some makeup test. Apparently, he bombed an English test- which feels weird since he's always been a smart ass. Both as in he's school smart and an asshole.

At the buzz of my phone, I'm frantically checking to see the message, 

go home without me gonna be longer than I thought.

I couldn't help but feel disappointment curl its way into my heart each time my eyes scan over the printed words. With a sigh, I tuck my phone into the pocket of the gray school blazer and hike up my bag around my shoulders. It can't be helped if the conversation with the teacher is longer than he had anticipated. 

Shaking my head to rid myself of any doubtful thoughts, I start my trek home. 


The days to come were filled with a shit load of training, our little group trained with each other in the gym and any training ground that was there for our use. It all felt so motivational to see all my classmates work so hard. Every time Denki, Kirishima, Sero, Mina and I made our way to the training grounds Iida was immediately impressed with his speed. He would run for hours and hours, doing laps in a matter of minutes, seconds even. 

Our routine consisted of all of us warming up in the actual gym, doing some simple stretching exercises, and maybe lifting some weights.  I tried to run on the race track, but Iida sprinting laps around me made me dizzy every time.  Next, was training with our quirks. 

Sero launched himself around a model town with his tape, swinging from street lamp to street lamp. Mina usually went to train with Uraraka, with her zero gravity quirk it helped Mina throw her acidic goop at moving objects, slicing them in half or practically incinerating them. 
Kirishima always left me on the verge of cardiac arrest with how he trained. He would throw himself off of roofs, open windows on the highest floors, anything that would leave you dead or wishing you were dead if you fell from such heights. Then, he would harden his skin, creating a Kirishima-shaped crater in the ground, popping his head out with a toothy grin and zero marks on him.

No one could really be around Denki when he was training with his quirk, he would see how long and far his electricity-like force field he makes could last. But, it was dangerous even for him, since afterward his brain goes completely fried and he's down for the count for almost the rest of the training.

And then there's my quirk training.  It was a bit troublesome to experiment with since I just discovered that my quirk also entails clothing that is made of plants. If you think about it, so many garments are made of cotton. So, I could be a walking time bomb. With a graze of my finger, I could make someone's clothes combust. I think this could come in handy though with the sports festival, I'll use it to my advantage. If this thought didn't occur to me, it definitely hasn't occurred to my classmates.
This also means I have to be careful about my own clothes and pay attention to what I'm exploding. It shouldn't be that hard if I've gone this long, right?

So, my training usually was with Mina and Uraraka as well, Mina and I would compete with each other on who could destroy which enormous debris first. I made sure to use crumpled balls of paper, trees are plants, and paper is from trees. There for, explosive as well.  The other half of my training was sparring with Kirishima, we would fight and mix in our quirks every now and then. I would throw something explosive and it was his job to harden it in time so it didn't cause any actual damage. Kirishima wasn't always lucky with that, I would catch him off guard and score a win for myself and Kirishima would score a visit to Recovery Girl.

Then after quirk training, we all took a break and when we didn't feel like death, we walked home. It was nice training with my friends, I was happy to do so. It was so much fun and filled with support. 

But then there was Hitoshi.

He dismissed every single request for training with me. He always came up with an excuse to the point I barely saw him anymore. In the morning he would say he's going for a jog so I should walk to school without him. Even during our lunch, he wasn't around because he was training and refused to let me join in or watch. 

"Can't you take one rest day? Or maybe just put in extra time after school?" 

My frown didn't bother hiding itself.

"Y/n I can't, I have to train. I want to at least come close to winning this thing."

It was jarring to hear this talk from Hitoshi, I don't know what has gotten into him, or where that clingy boy went when I was in a drastically hurt state, but that boy had gone. A competitive boy replaced him.  With a sigh, I nod, "Alright, but promise me after this whole sports festival is over we go out and eat somewhere. It feels like I never see you."

Hitoshi had already started to walk away when I was asking, he wasn't listening, "Yep, sure." He said waving goodbye and speed-walking down the hallway.

I thought this was going to be fun. I've always trained with Hitoshi so it felt foreign to not even once spar with him, go for a run, anything! It left me with unease in my stomach and my head spinning as if Iida was running laps in my head now.

Day after day was the same, the same conversations had with Hitoshi, training with my friend group and then going home at the end of the day to repeat it all the next.

Finally, the morning everyone has been waiting for had arrived. All the training and work put in leading up to this day. I got up early, going downstairs to get myself a breakfast healthier than my usual choices. Mom was already in the kitchen, using the reflection off the microwave to fix one of her earrings. She was dressed in a dark gray blazer, white collared button-up underneath with a dark gray pencil skirt.  I pour myself a bowl of cereal, seating myself at the table.

"You have an important meeting today or something?" 

My voice startled her, causing her to drop her earring. The silver hoop clattered to the tiled floors, she swore under her breath, picking it back up. 


She finally fixes it in her ear, going to play with her hair till it was her version of perfect.

Dad was nowhere to be seen, his car didn't appear to be in the driveway, so it was safe to assume he either left early or slept somewhere else for the night.
"Bye Y/n, see you later." Mom said, slinging her purse in the nook of her arm and leaving. The slam of the door echos in the house. There was no time to be sad over this. I am going to try my best in the sports festival, and then Mom and Dad may forget about their hatred for each other just enough to take me out for a celebratory dinner. 

With a small smile, I plow through the rest of breakfast, leaving the bowl and spoon in the sink. I finish getting ready for the day and leave the house. Shoe's tied tight and my anxiety of what today will be full of bouncing around inside of me.

I walk to school alone once again, Hitoshi went for a morning jog of course. I was determined to wish him luck in person though. That was my plan as soon as I know he was in the school buildings even if I have to sneak out. 

When I eventually got to the gates of the school, it was completely crowded with paparazzi from different news channels.  powdery colourful fireworks were going off in the sky giving the giant school such a magical aura to it.

My bag was to be checked and then entry was allowed. There was booth after booth all lined up in rows on both sides of me. I told myself I would look at them all later on if I ever got a break. 
Mentally, I forced myself to stay away from the booth that sold Eraserhead merchandise.

I made my way to the 1 A waiting room, I got changed in a stall into my gym uniform, and now all I had to do was drop my bag off in a locker.

"Hey look, Y/n's here!" Mina cheered, bouncing over to me immediately and wrapping me up in a hug. I laugh, "Hey Mina,"

"We're gonna do great today right?" Mina says with a big grin.

"Right! We'll try our best."

I didn't expect to come out as the victor in all of this. But I expected myself to climb the ranks near the top. It would be nice to even get in the top 10. My classmates were standing around and sitting, speculating what the first round may be. 

For the sports festival, they switch it up every year, so you never know what activity is going to be thrown your way.

I wave and greet the rest of my friends, finding an empty locker and throwing my bag into it.

"I'll be back," I said, facing Denki.

"Where you going??"

"I gotta go wish Hitoshi good luck." I grin.

At the mention of his name Mina, Denki, Kirishima and Sero exchanged looks causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What?" What did they know that I don't?

Mina chewed at her bottom lip, "Uhm, maybe stay here and just send him a text? Iida will be pretty pissed if you aren't waiting here with the class."

I shake my head, "No, I have to cheer him on."

"Y/n I really don't know if that's..." 

Kirishima jabbed Denki in the gut harshly with his elbow, making the boy keel over himself releasing a pained groan. I wince at the sight.

"Go wish him luck Y/n." Kirishima smiles, "Tell him to kick ass!"

I smile, confusion clear on my face. With a nod I exit the waiting room, scanning each door till I see 1-C's room.

It was nearby thankfully. The door creaks as I open it enough to pop my head in. I harboured some of the student's attention, they looked almost angry to see me. Hitoshi was sitting by himself, isolated from everyone else in the room. He sat with slumped shoulders and an unreadable expression plastered to his face. His eyes trained on the screen of his phone. I inch my way in walking over to him. 

Standing in front of him I peer over to see what he's looking at. Which a click of his tongue he says, "It's rude to look at someone else's phone."

"It's rude to ignore people as well but here we are."

Hitoshi snaps his head up, his eyes revealing the shock of what I said. I didn't plan on being petty or snappy with him but it ended up coming off that way. Perhaps it was suppressed feelings from the treatment I've been getting for the past weeks.

"Oh, hey Y/n."

"Hey," I say with a small smile.

"What do you want." He said it like a statement, not a question, it was blunt and in a way he's never talked to me before. 

My eyebrows knit together, giving Hitoshi a perplexed look, "I Uh, I just wanted to wish you good luck." I try to smooth out my face and give him a big smile,

"I'm sure you're going to do great-"

"I don't need your luck." Hitoshi scoffed.


"Just go back to your waiting room."

Everyone was watching us now, everyone listened in on whatever spatial was going on.

I frown at Hitoshi, letting my cast gaze away from him.

"Fine then. Just, try your best and kick ass I guess." I mutter before taking my leave, my heart weighing me down from sinking to the pit of my stomach. 

My eyes felt like they were burning into my skull, glazing with molten lava tears threatening to spill down my face. I stand outside my own class's waiting room taking a few deep breaths to collect myself. I was not going to let Hitoshi's weird and shitty treatment to me ruin today. I worked so hard for today, and I will let it pay off.

Let the sports festival fucking begin.

(next chapter is already in the works <33 )

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