Chapter Twenty

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For those who do not know, my boyfriend broke up with me. But the show must go on, right? 

Song: Sick Love by Red Hot Chili Peppers 

Overwhelmed was too minuscule of a description of how I was feeling. My mind felt like a whirlpool, spinning around and around. My thoughts felt fast and made my head feel heavy.

"How're you feeling now Y/n?" Mihoko's soft voice reached my ears, making me lift my head slightly. My hands were weakly holding on to a mug of tea that Mihoko had made for me. She was crouched down to meet my eyes, her sweet smile tugged one out of me too.

"Good..well, better. I feel better."

The mug scorched at my flesh and it felt painfully hot but I never moved my hands. I let them burn and become a flushed red, to the point they were numb.

"That's good hon..." She stood up straight and stroked my head, "Your mother is on her way, so you can just sit tight till she's here."

"Mihoko, where's Hitoshi?" I didn't want to talk about my mother, I didn't want to think about her at all. I don't even want to go back home, I want to stay in the Shinsou household for as long as I can. Sometimes it felt as if Mihoko was born with her motherly touch, she knew all the right things to say and she enveloped everyone in her warmth, warding off any negativity. I loved her for that.

"He's just taking a shower, He should be done soon."

I nod slowly, staring down at the tea, to try and hide the blush that begins to form on my face at the thought of Hitoshi showering. What is wrong with me? I've never been this way before. Maybe I hit my head too hard.

I bring the ceramic mug to my lips and sip, letting its warmth fill my insides.

"God, I can only imagine how you must be feeling right now Y/n dear." Mihoko places a hand on her cheek, a small frown coming to her face, "To be put through a villain attack when you're still not even halfway through your first year of UA."

"Mom," Mihoko and I look towards the stairs, Hitoshi stands with a baggy and worn Eraserhead graphic tee and gray sweatpants. He ruffles his still dripping hair with a towel, "Don't bring that up now, give her a day to process it. It's probably still scary."

"Oh god you're right- I'm sorry Y/n." Mihoko whips her head in my direction giving me an apologetic look. I just laugh lightly and wave my hand in dismissal, "Don't worry about it Mihoko. I'm fine."

Hitoshi plops himself next to me, his arm around the back of the couch. It's almost as if he had his arm around me, and that mere thought was enough to turn my face crimson.

Hitoshi gives a look to his mom, and she takes the hint and starts to walk up the stairs, "I'll just be in my room, if you need anything don't be shy."

"Thank you Mihoko," I call after her as she makes her way up the stairs, holding grace and softness even when walking.

"...I want to talk about Nana and everything that happened. But," Hitoshi rolls his head to the side, looking at me, "you look like your head is going to explode."

"It practically is." I sigh, "There's too much to think about and I have so many emotions going on at once I don't even know where to start with my thoughts. What are we even gonna do Hitoshi? About Nana?"

Hitoshi chews at his bottom lip, "Well if you saw her there, then she is obviously a part of the league of villains. And we'll just have to prove that to everyone else."

I nod, taking another sip of the tea. It left me with a drowsy feeling and I let my body accept it.
"Hitoshi~" I whined to him, letting my head fall to his shoulder, "I'm so tiredddd!"

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