2. The Prison

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After traveling back through the nether, I reach the portal. Walking to the prison and knocking. The doors open and I enter to see the warden, Sam, sitting at the front desk. He's wearing full enchanted netherite, a sword and trident in hand. He looks up from his book.

"Hello," he greets casually.

"Hello," I answer back.

"So you are here to visit the prisoner?"

"Mhm," I nod.

"Okay, I have to ask you a few questions," Sam clears his throat importantly. He pulls out a stack of papers and a book. "Have you ever visited the prison before?"

"No, it's my first time visiting," I say without any hesitation.

"Where do you live currently?"

"At the edge of the L'Manburg crater"

"Do you think the prisoner deserves to be locked up?"

"Yes, he hurt many people and caused too much destruction to be justified," I answer wanting to make it clear that I hated Dream.

"Do you have any prior relations with the prisoner?"

Here goes.

"I have never talked to Dream but I have heard from others and friends that he has tried to control everyone and has killed Tommy. Tommy an innocent child! He was against L'Manburg from the beginning, he was against the idea of freedom!" I yell.

"Okay, okay," Sam says, slightly shocked. "You really hate Dream."

"Yes, I hope he stays in here forever," I say.

After signing the waiver I get an idea.

"It must be a really important job to run this prison," I say. "You must be really talented to be able to construct this so no one can break out or in."

Sam flushes, his cheeks slightly pink. He shifts awkwardly and clears his throat.

"So um okay, follow me," Sam says, still slightly blushing as he leads the way into the prison.

I follow knowing what's next. I got some info from Sapnap on the prison. Hopefully everything goes according to the plan.

"Please remove all your armor and items on you. Place them in this locker," he says leading me to a room with an ender chest and a normal chest"

Here goes nothing. Let's hope he allows it.

"Actually I want to keep my armor and stuff with me in the prison," I say.

"But that is not prison procedu—" Sam starts but I cut him off.

"It's just that Dream's dangerous, I heard what happened to Tommy and that Techno escaped. Dream is capable of anything. You wouldn't want someone else to die in the prison, imagine who would be to blame," I say knowing that Sam will remember how he blamed himself for Tommy's death.

Sam stands very still but the haunting look in his eyes says it all. He's worried and wants to ensure that the person is safe, he wants to feel powerful and that he is capable of running the prison on his own.

"Oh, that's true, well I guess it will be fine," he says."You would never try to break Dream out right?" Sam asks.

"Oh, no I hate Dream and hope he suffers in here," I say as passionately as I can.

"Alright then I guess I can take you through here then," Sam says opening a hidden door only for the warden and gesture for me to follow.

After following Sam through the narrow winding passages made of blackstone, we reach the curtain of lava. The red, orange, and yellow glow reflects off our faces. Sam flicks the lever to lower the lava. As the lava lowers slowly, I make another comment to Sam to get on his good side.

"Wow, the red stone engineering is amazing!" I say. "You built all of this?"

"Yeah," he says turning a light shade of pink.

"You must be so strong," I say.

Sam flushes crimson but shakes himself as the lava lowers to reveal a small, black obsidian box with a figure huddled against the corner.

"Good luck," Sam says as the bridge starts to move. "Walk with the bridge and tell me when you're ready to leave."

I step onto the bridge and take a deep breath.


726 words

No, you and Sam aren't going to be a "thing". It's all part of the master plan. The next chapter's gonna be interesting 🤔

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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