36. The Truth

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

While the guards are getting the prisoners out of the dungeon and into the throne room, Dream and Y/N are trying to find Sapnap, Bad, and Skeppy. Bad and Skeppy were spending the day together and they really didn't want to interrupt them but this was urgent. They split up, Dream going off to find Sapnap and Y/N going off to tell Skeppy and Bad.

Sapnap and Dream returned to the throne room shortly and Dream settled on the throne with Sapnap staring at him. Sam and George are also present.

"What's up Dream?" Sapnap asks casually.

"Yeah, why do you need us here?" George pipes up.

"I'll explain in a few minutes," Dream says calmly. "We're waiting for the rest of them."

Bad, Skeppy, and Y/N walk in, Bad and Skeppy look confused but take their places by the other knights.

A few minutes pass and they hear a commotion in the hallways. HBomb, Eret, Ant, and Punz come dragging Tommy, Tubbo, Jack, and Quackity. They're all yelling and angry at each other.

The rest of the knights take positions by the prisoners and hold them tight.

"Silence," Dream commands and they all immediately grow quiet.

Y/N stands by his side next to the throne with her hand on his.

"Sapnap," he addresses his best friend.


Sapnap knows it. I saw the look on his face when they were brought in. He's thinking of a convincing alibi. The knights need to stand up and say it's true. I know it's true because I saw it. But then I'd have to reveal my powers which I can't do.

"Have you been torturing the prisoners?" Dream asks calmly.

"Well yeah," he says. "Just like you told me."

"Only on your shifts, once a week?" Dream asks raising an eyebrow behind the mask.

Sapnap hesitates, his hands drifting behind his back.


"No, you haven't!" Tommy explodes. "You come in and say to the current guard 'I could cover for you' and they leave and you torture us again! At least twice a day!"

Bad pokes him gently telling him that it was enough.

"Can any of you vouch for that? Has Sapnap been covering very often?"

The knights all nod in agreement.

"Actually," Eret speaks up. "He always covers for me, from 5:20 am to 8:00 am."

"His shift is right after. So that would make it a double shift?" Y/N says. "Seems weird to work double shifts when you don't need to."

"Sapnap tell me the truth" Dream says leaning forward. "Come clean, we have witnesses."

"Alright fine," he says holding his hands up in surrender. "I only did it to Tommy, Tubbo, and Quackity."

"3 out of the 4," Y/N mutters.

"You shut up!" Sapnap yells.

"Hey, don't talk to her like that!" Dream yells back now getting defensive. He gets up from the throne and starts towards Sapnap his hand brushing his sword's handle.

"Dream it's fine," she says touching his shoulder lightly. "Let's just listen."

Dream settles down again and gestures for Sapnap to continue.

"I have nothing against Jack but Quackity has been an ass to both me and Karl. He left us and went to start his new life in his own country 'Las Nevadas'. Karl and I offered him a place in Kinoko Kingdom but he denied it saying he has more important things to do. Basically, he said that Las Nevadas was more important than me and Karl. Them because of his stupid war, Kinoko Kingdom is now destroyed and it's partially Tubbo's fault too."

"I'll agree with that," Dream says. "But why Tommy?"

"I still haven't forgiven Tommy for what he did to my pets," Sapnap says crossing his arms. "Besides, Tommy is the main source of problems on this Smp. When he's gone, everything is normal and as soon as he opens his stupid fat mouth, everything goes to hell!"

"You shut the fuck up!" Tommy yells now straining to get away from Bad and Eret. They hold him tight as he continues to yell. "You're the one who loves killing people and the things they love! You enjoy torturing us! Don't lie!"

"Enough!" Dream yells standing up and everyone grows quiet.

"Knights, leave them here and wait for me in the meeting room."

The knights attach the prisoners' chains to metal rings on the floor and walk upstairs. Then Dream turns to Y/N.

"Close the door so they can't hear and tell them I'll be up to talk with them shortly. Afterward, come back down, I want you here."

She nods and leaves. She returns shortly after and takes her place by Dream.

Dream sighs.

"That was not how I planned for it to go," he says rubbing his forehead under the mask.

"But what did you expect?" Y/N asks. "Sapnap knew he was caught, he's trying to play you Dream. He'll say that Quackity tortured you in prison and that Tommy was always your enemy from the start. He'll try to convince you that he should continue doing it making it seem like he's doing it for you."

"I know," Dream groans. "I'll have to go through that later."

"Anyways," he says turning towards the boys chained to the floor before him. "I don't wish to make you hate me. I want to rebuild and eventually release you but for everyone's safety, including your own, I think you should stay here for now. If your behavior improves, we'll talk about letting you live in the village. Are we clear?"

They all nod.

"Good, I'm going to talk with the knights now. Hopefully, Sapnap will comply this time and follow his schedule or he'll lose this privilege altogether," Dream says standing up.

"Why do you want us to be tortured in the first place?" Tommy asks fighting to keep his temper under control.

Y/N glances at Dream with an 'I told you so' look and crosses her arms.

"Tommy and Quackity, I'm not going to lie but I still have some resentment for you and you still need to be punished for your attempted assassination. I'm willing to let go of anything that happened in the past but you have to do the same okay?"

"Okay," Quackity grumbles and Tommy glares at Dream but nods.

"Y/N, get them back in their cells and join us upstairs."

Dream leaves the room, his cloak swirling around him.

"C'mon," she says releasing them from the floor. "Let's go."

They follow her without any struggle and once they're locked up in their cells she turns to look at them before she goes.

"I told you that he had a change of heart."

Tommy only huffs.

She's right. Dream really did change but I still want to kill him.


1,158 words

Hmmm, is change finally happening?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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