32. Power

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This chapter will be shocking, both good and bad.


What? Levitation?


Have the ability to move things with a motion and even a thought.

Stand before a full moon exactly at midnight and repeat these words.

Make things bend to my will. Let me move them as if they have their own minds. Allow me to force my will upon them.

I look up. The full moon rises over the balcony. It's 11:54 pm.

I wait until the clock is close to 12.

The clock hits 11:59 pm.

I walk to the balcony and stare at the moon placing the book on the balcony's edge.

"Make things bend to my will. Let me move them as if they have their own minds. Allow me to force my will upon them."

A glow surrounds me, the same glow as the moon.

I feel a slight sensation throughout my body. I reach toward the book and concentrate. The book slowly rises up and then floats toward my hand.

I open the book to the next blank page.

Thank you, I write.

How am I supposed to hide this from Dream? I don't want to keep secrets from him but I can't practice my powers without him knowing.

Don't worry, DreamXD writes back.
Here's a sleeping potion that will knock him out.

The words Sleeping Potion appear on the next page with the ingredients and instructions.

I feel guilty about drugging my boyfriend who is also my king.

"I won't use my powers at all. I will only practice with them to get stronger. Only as a last option will I use them. I don't want to be the one with power, Dream is king."

I reach towards the leaves on the ground far below and slowly pull them toward me.


7:45 am

Sapnap POV

It's almost time for my shift. I should get there early. I walk down to the dungeon and find Eret standing there wide awake, all the prisoners are asleep.

"Hey Eret," I say with a small wave.

"Oh hey," he says glancing at his watch. "Your shift doesn't start until another 10 minutes."

"I know," I say. "But I figured so should take the rest of your shift so you can head upstairs for breakfast. I'll have breakfast later."

"Are you sure?"


"We'll alright," he says walking backward up the stairwell. "I guess I'll see you around."

"You too," I say watching him disappear up the stairs.

I wait until his footsteps are long gone before shutting the door. The door and walls were made to be soundproof and there are no windows so no one will hear.

I hate all of you, except Jack I guess.
I have nothing against Jack but he helped them so I kind of hate him too. Quackity became corrupt and stopped caring about me and Karl, Tommy is so problematic and tried to kill my pets, and Tubbo just follows Tommy into messes because he's a yes man.
I'll put them in their places.

̷U̷n̷b̷r̷e̷a̷k̷a̷b̷l̷e ̷L̷o̷v̷e - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now