4. Striking a Deal

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3rd Person Omniscient

"Okay so, you have no friends. They've all betrayed or left you. I also have pretty much no friends. No one respects me, they all brush me off or ignore me like I don't exist. My only friends are Techno, Phil, Ranboo, and Sapnap," Y/N says.

Dream's eyes widen at the mention of Sapnap but grow sad again.

"Tubbo is nice to me but I never really formed a connection with him," she continues. "I want respect from the people and you want out of here."

Y/N smiles.

"Here's my deal."

She takes a deep breath in.

Will he accept it? This is a crucial part of my whole plan. I kinda want him to say yes because he's kinda cute.

Dream stares intently at her ready to think.

What's her deal? Does she want me to use the Revival Book on her if she dies? Will I owe her a favor like Techno did to me?

"I will gather my allies, we'll meet with Techno and Phil to discuss a plan of action. We will all have different roles in the break out. After we break you out, you are to sever your connection with Techno. When they find out that you escaped, Techno will be the first one they'll suspect. They need to know that you two are no longer friends but are neutral with each other. That way, no harm will come to Techno. We need to be able to clear each other so none of us will be to blame but I'll deal with that. I will be your friend after your escape. I will help you, be by your side, and fight with you. In return, all I ask is for you to be my friend. If you can uphold your end of the deal, I will be there for you as long as I can."

She lets this sink in.

So it's kinda like a win-win situation. I get out of here, Techno won't be suspected or hunted, I'll have a friend to help me, and she gets a friend in return. I wonder how far she'll go to help me. What will she do for me?

"I will do anything with you, I'll help you even if I don't believe it's right. I'll reveal some of my secrets over time and hopefully you will as well," Y/N continues.

"But," she pauses. "Look at me." Y/N kneels down and puts her hand under Dream's chin so he's forced to look her in the eyes.

"You can't control me, manipulate me, or use me in any way. If you start to treat me like I'm nothing like others have done in the past, I will not hesitate to turn you back in. Got it?"

Dream looks into her eyes. There is only seriousness and darkness.

I need to make this clear to him. I do not belong to him, I'm going to help him and be his friend.

Dream nods and she lets go.

"Good," she says and stands up. "So, do you accept my deal?"

"Can you give me time to consider?" Dream asks.

"Sure, I'll call for Sam and tell him I'm ready to go." Y/N starts to walk toward the lava.

The words come out of Dream's mouth before he can stop them.


Y/N stops and turns around looking at him curiously.

"Just give me a bit of time to think but stay in here with me," he says. "Please?"

Her face softens.


She walks back towards him and starts to look around the cell. Dream's still sitting on the floor in the corner. Her gaze goes to him and the cauldron full of murky water.

When was the last time he bathed? Sam probably doesn't change the water often. Does he drink from here too?

"Do you drink and bathe in here?" Y/N asks pointing at the cauldron.

"No, Sam brings me water to drink but I haven't bathed in ages."

"Well I guess it's your lucky day" she says.

Y/N pulls out an empty bucket and scoops up the murky water placing the bucket back in her belt. (We're going by Minecraft mechanics where a bucket of water can hold a cauldron full of water). She takes out another bucket of clean water and fills in the cauldron. (Assume there is no residue in the cauldron please).

"Come here," she says.

When he doesn't, she picks him up, carries him over, and places him into the cauldron.

"AHHHH!!! What the hell!?" Dream yells.

He's surprised how strong she is.

"You were too slow," Y/N says with a giggle.

The cauldron isn't that deep. Dream sits in it with his knees against him chest and the water only comes up to his shoulders.

"Go ahead," she says in a firm tone. "Wash yourself."

Dream blinks up at her like she's crazy. Y/N sighs and walks to the other end of the cell, facing the wall. After making sure she's fully turned around, Dream hesitantly starts scrubbing himself. Clothes still on.

Once he finishes, he just sits there, admiring Y/N.

Y/N's so beautiful. She cares about me and wants to help me. She doesn't see me as a villain or a monster. She's strong. With her moral and beliefs as well as physical strength. I can see us being a good pair. I should accept, I need help once I'm out of here. I need someone to rely on, someone to trust. I'll do it.

After she's finished putting the water away and leaving fresh water in it's place, Dream stands up and approaches her.

"Alright I thought about it," he says.

"Okay, and?" she asks.

Will he accept?

The lava casts glow on their faces. The intense heat dries Dream off instantly.

"I accept your deal and agree to the conditions," Dream says.

"Great!" Y/N says. "I'll speak to them as soon as I can. We'll come up with a plan and once we do I'll let you know. I'll try to visit weekly okay?"

"Okay," he replies with a small smile.

"I'm going to call for Sam." She glances at the lava.

Dream nods and goes back to the corner to huddle.

"Don't say anything about this to Sam," she warns.

"I know I won't."

"Sam!" Y/N calls. "I'm ready to leave!"

The lava falls and the bridge moves toward her. She steps on the bridge and walks with it toward Sam. She doesn't look back once.


1,124 words

What's going to happen? Who are the allies? How will they plan a break out?

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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