Palak- Part 1- Electric Shock

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Palak- 16

Kartik (Doctor)- 26

Palak calls him as "kartik bhaiya"

"You are an awesome cook kartik bhaiya. I loved the dinner." I said to my elder brother while taking the last bite of my food.

"Thankyou my little sis" He said smiling.

Kartik bhaiya is really a good cook and I like it very much when he prepares food for us. Although he is my brother but he is more like a father to me I mean he 10 years elder than me. I am 16 while he is 26 now. He has become a doctor while I am still in high school. He takes care of me as if I am a kid.

"Let's watch a movie for some time before going to bed. Which one do you want to see" He asked me.

"I really don't know. Please choose your favourite one" I replied given him the liberty to choose his own movie.

I saw the extension cable lying in the table so I moved to keep it in the cupboard. I had only used it to keep my phone charging while studying at the laptop. I forgot to remove it. Kartik bhaiya was busy choosing the movie so he didn't see what I was doing.

Just when I held the extension I saw the switch was on. Oh God what a mistake I had done. I was holding the wire in my left hand. I screamed out of pain as shock passed from my body. I could feel the current in the whole of my left body.

Suddenly the wire which was stuck in my hand dropped on its own. The feeling of the current also went away. My brother became my savior. He had put the connection off.

"Are you ok Palak? Try to say something"
He asked while holding me in his embrace. I just nodded as I couldn't speak right now.

"Just relax you will be fine. Its the impact of the shock. Please lie down on your back on the floor." I did as he said me to do without questioning anything. He must be aware of what should be done in such cases.

"Are you able to breathe properly?" He asked holding my wrist presumably taking my pulse.

"Yes I am able to breathe properly" I replied. I was able to speak.

"Keep laying here I will be right back"

He came back with his medical bag in his hand. So I was getting a checkup from him once again.

He placed some cotton in my left hand thumb. He then took out his stethoscope and placed it under my shirt.

"Take deep breaths for me." He directed me while he moved the bell on different spots of my chest. I tried to take deep breaths as i could at the moment.

"Your heart rate isn't back to normal as of now but there is no need to worry. Come sit on the couch." He said while helping me to get up.

I was trying to feel normal but I couldn't. Tears started rolling down my face. I got an electric shock because of my own mistake. I would have died today if kartik bhaiya wasn't there to save me.

"Hey Palak stop crying. Nothing bad happened you are ok. Don't cry my little sis I can't see you like this." He said wiping my tears.

" But kartik bhaiya this was my own mistake. What if I would have died"

"Don't say such words. I will never let anything happen to you my baby. It was an accident. You just need to be more careful . Now I can see your sweet smile." He asked giving me huge smile which made me feel like smiling.

"That's my little sis. Now let me take care of the wound" He said and removed the cotton on the thumb. It had blood on it. I didn't even realize that it was bleeding.

Kartik bhaiya cleaned the thumb with an antiseptic. He wrapped it gently after applying an ointment. After which he fiddled with something in his bag but I couldn't see it properly so I stayed silent relaxing on the couch.

"You need a tetanus shot princess. It is necessary. Just look towards the TV and it will be over soon." He spoke holding the prepared needle in his hand.

I didn't want a scolding from him for protesting against it. It might be necessary so I nodded and turned my face perhaps giving him the right to stab me.

I felt my a cold wipe on my upper arm and then a slight pinch for few seconds before disappearing away.

"See that was easy. Isn't it?"He says smirking knowing it was almost painless.

"Now go to your room and take rest." He spoke and I went to my room. After changing my clothes I laid down on the bed.

Kartik bhaiya entered into the room with a glass of milk and a stethoscope in his hands.

" Have this hot milk. It will also help you to sleep." He said handing it over to me. I drank the whole milk while kartik bhaiya waited for me to finish it.

"I wanted to make sure that you are feeling better." He spoke as if he was asking me.

"Don't tell me that you are taking my permission to check me" We both laughed at my comment.

He placed the buds in his ears and the other end on my chest and back taking a good amount of time listening to it before pulling away.

"All looking good. Get some sleep and call me if you feel uneasy at night. Goodnight."

"Goodnight" I replied as he left the room. I went to sleep right away.

Author's Note-

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