Khushi- Pre HM shots

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Hi everyone. This is my first husband wife oneshot. 


Felt like being on cloud nine when my husband tells me that we will be going for our honeymoon next month. I felt like jumping out of happiness.

You see we got married a few days ago but we had postponed our honeymoon for some days since my husband is senior doctor at a multispecialty hospital and he cannot take a long leave from work. So we had agreed that we will be going for our honeymoon a few days later.

Ours is an arranged marriage. We were absolute strangers a few months ago and now i couldn't think of my life without him. Well this is how arranged marriages work. My aunt knew him and his family and this is how things proceeded.

After finishing my chores for the day I came back to my room and changed into my nightwear to get myself comfortable. I couldn't help but notice two syringes and two injection vials on Abhay's table. As far as i know Abhay doesn't keep his medical supplies like this. It's either in the refrigerator or in his medical bag as it is recommended to keep it. I just shrugged it off thinking he would have left it by mistake. I will remind him to keep it.

The sight of the injection made me nervous. I was scared of injections in my childhood which I thought has gone away as I grew up. I am not absolutely terrified of it but not completely comfortable with it. I never gave a second thought of marrying Abhay because I liked him so much. The day I met him I realised that he was the man I always wanted to marry. He is such down to earth person and so caring. No point in refusing to marry just because he is a doctor.

"What are you thinking my love? Didn't you notice me?" Abhay spoke pulling me out of my thoughts.

So engrossed in thoughts. Come to reality khushi.

"When did you come I didn't realise. By the way thanks for planning our honeymoon. I can't wait for the day."

"You are my love. Don't say thanks to me ever again" Abhay spoke hugging me from my back. His arms on my tummy.

"You naughty boy" I spoke turning myself to face him and then hugging him.

We stayed like this hugging each other for few minutes before pulling away.

"Abhay you have kept your injections and syringes in the table. Please keep it where it should be before sleeping." I reminded him.

"Those are for you love. You are gonna getting it today."

What? Why? I am not ill

"Dr Abhay for your kind information I am absolutely fine." I spoke the fact.

"Who said otherwise ?"

"Then why the injections?"

"So the first one is the influenza vaccine. It's the flu season ahead. It will protect you from catching the flu. I don't want you getting ill when we are enjoying our honeymoon."

I guess that makes sense. It seems that I should get it.

"What about your influenza vaccine. What if you catch a flu?" I enquired.

"I am always updated with vaccines. I won't be allowed to see patients if I am not immunised. So now you are satisfied. You ready for the shot now." Abhay tried to convince me.

"Let me see. What's the other shot for?"

"The second one huh- huh." Abhay hesitates and clears his throat.

Must be something not necessary.

"I won't take the second one. I will take only the flu one." I declared hoping I won the battle. Atleast I won't get two injections.

I smiled at my victory. A small one though. I still have to take one shot. Atleast I won't get ill when we go to our honeymoon.

"Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I will bring the shot" He said and left.

I sat at the bed patiently waiting for Abhay to come. What did I just do. I am scared of it but still agreed to take it.

It's my first time taking a shot from him. Don't take me wrong i have full faith in him. But still this is my first time.

Abhay came back with a needle in his hand.

Oh God.
C'mon Khushi you can do it.
Don't be afraid.

I rolled up my sleeves and turned my face trying to be brave.

"Ahh Khushi. You need to lay down on your tummy for this."

"No why? Give it to me in the arms"

"Feeling shy from whom your own husband?" Abhay giggles.

"Fine" I said laying down and turning on my tummy.

"Do it slowly"- "ofcourse I will just stay relaxed."

Abhay lowered my shorts before pulling my top up. My one side was totally exposed now.

"I promise I will be very gentle you won't feel a thing ." Abhay spoke wiping the area. It was cold.

"Ok small pinch. Don't move khushi.on 3. 1..2.."
I felt like an ant bit me before Abhay said 3.

"All done"

Wait when did he say 3.

"Where's the 3?"

"You got the shot baby"- Abhay said slowly rubbing circles over the spot.

How convenient. I didn't even feel it.

"Good Job Khushi. Take some rest. I will be back soon." Abhay spoke going to dispose the needle.

Wow that was great. I escaped the second needle.

I sat on the bed since I didn't want laying down anymore.

"Was that painfull?" - "Not so bad not good either"

I didn't want to show him that I didn't feel much pain.

"You sure you don't want the second shot"
- "No I don't want the second one"

"So you don't mind carrying a baby after we come back from our honeymoon. I thought that you wanted to enjoy your life a bit before becoming pregnant."

Oh No.
I don't want a baby so soon.


"Wait who said that" - khushi spoke suprised .

Yes I knew that she wants to get the second shot too. That's why I brought it for her.

Yes this is a depo shot. It will prevent her from becoming pregnant for a few months.

When she agreed for the flu one I thought I will be a good idea to get that over first. And ofcourse that was almost painless but this shot isn't.

"You told that you don't want the second shot. It will prevent you from becoming pregnant. I think you are in hurry to become a mother soon."

"No I didn't meant that. I am not ready yet. I want to become a mother but not so soon."

"So you want the shot?"


"Just wait I will grab it."

I was so happy that she accepted readily for the second shot.

I prepared the injection and placed the cap over it and came back to see that she was already laying on her tummy.

My love.
I just love her so much.
This shot is painfull as compared to flu one.
I have to make it as painless as it can be.

The reason I gave her the flu shot before because it's her first time getting an injection from me. I can't give her the painfull one first if I have the option to choose.

I leaned beside her and undressed her other side.

"Just relax honey. It can hurt a little." I warned her as she is under the impression that it won't hurt.

I inserted the needle quickly after wiping the spot. She jerked.

"Ahh.. ouch.."

"Try to relax. It will be over soon. Take deep breaths." I tried to calm her down while still pushing the liquid and moving my fingers around the area so that the medicine gets absorbed in the muscle.

"Ahh.. Ahh.. "

"Bas Bas ho gaya. You are doing great."

"You.. - Don't say that it's over" I interrupted her while taking out the needle.

"Wow khushi you were so brave. Good Job." I praised her because she actually deserves it.

After pressing the cotton over the spot and sliding back her shorts, i went to discard the needle.

"Why was this shot so painfull when the flu one wasn't. It's still hurting." Khushi asked me when I came back.

"I will apply you ice pack so that it stops hurting. You suprised me today by being so obedient. I am proud of you" I spoke and kissed her immediately after that.

All her frustration against me will go away after this.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I will write one more husband wife oneshot.

Please comment you favourite parts. I am curious to know about your thoughts.

Love you all

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