Disha & Avani- Accident

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This oneshot is a separate incident from the earlier one. Both of them have a connection (the promise given by Disha to Avani to visit a doctor- Disha has to do whatever Avani says). To better understand this have a look at the earlier oneshot.


Avani and me were coming home at the evening after our day at the office. It was a super long day at work and I was very tired. I just wanted to reach back home as soon as possible and lie down in the bed straight away. I was riding the scooty while Avani was sitting behind me.

We were just talking about work while i felt a strong impact from backside making me fall on the ground along with the scooty. While falling some metal piece pierced into my hand making a cut. My foot was hurting too much because of the fall. I sat there almost on the verge of crying.

Luckily Avani managed to jump from the scooty and stood there harmless. She rushed beside me asking me if i was fine. She could see that I wasn't fine. The vehicle that hit us had ran away. She stopped a taxi who was passing by and helped to put me in taxi. She followed us in the scooty to reach the nearest hospital.

After what seemed eternity we reached the hospital and I was taken to the emergency in a stretcher. I was trying to remain calm but my hand was hurting too much. A doctor came towards me and started looking at me.

"Hello I am Dr Naveen and I will be looking after you today. Can you tell me where does it hurt" He asked me with his arm on my wrist. "Just the ankle and this cut on my hand." I replied.

"Page Dr Aarav" He spoke to a nurse after looking at my ankle. He removed the metal piece from my hand and quickly started cleaning the cut with an antiseptic. This hurt like hell.

"I know it hurts but please try to bear it will be over soon." He spoke calmly.

Thankfully he cleaned it fast making me sigh in relief. He applied ointment over it and wrapped the cut with a bandage.

"The painful part is over. You did great." He praised me.

Meanwhile Dr Aarav came in and I showed him my ankle. It looked swollen but not too much. He carefully examined my ankle without hurting me.

"The ankle doesn't seem to be fractured. We need to take an x-ray to confirm it. Does it hurt somewhere else?" He asked me and I shook my head.

I was taken to the x-ray room where they took the x-ray of my ankle and I was once again brought back to the exam room.

Dr Aarav told me that my ankle isn't fractured but he will still wrap it with a bandage to make it heal faster. Dr Naveen told me that I need to be at the hospital for the night for observation.

Then both of them left me to change into hospital clothes. I changed with the help of Avani and the nurse. It was a top and trousers. Then both the doctors came back to treat me again. Dr Aarav sat near my foot to bandage it and Dr Naveen started preparing a needle.

Dr Aarav applied ointment and wrapped it with a bandage so quickly that I didn't even realise when it happened.

Dr Aarav left the room after wishing me good health. The nurse also left with him. Now it was just Dr Naveen, me and ofcourse Avani.

Dr Naveen came near me holding an injection.

"Just a tetanus shot since a piece of metal pierced through the skin." He spoke slowly wiping my upper arm.

"Look towards the door and just relax". I did as he said.

I could feel the needle entering the skin but it wasn't very painful just uncomfortable but I tried to stay calm as possible and thankfully he removed it making me relax.

"You were so obedient. I am proud of you." Avani praised me as she sat beside me.

I laid down on the bed relaxing as the whole treatment and checkup was done and I could finally have some rest. I could still feel pain all over my body but I think it's just impact of the accident and tiredness. Avani was gently moving her hand on my forehead helping me to relax.

"Disha I need to give you a painkiller injection. Just lie down on your side. " Dr Naveen spoke while preparing one more injection.

An injection in my bum.
No way.
Not at all.
That too by a male doctor.
Ofcourse not.
I was not taking this.

"No I don't feel any pain. No need of an injection" I spoke trying to get away.

"Lying to me. I see. You need it. Don't be afraid. I will do it slowly." .He chuckles.

He caught me lying. He understands my situation very well. What shall I do now.

I pleaded to Avani to help me get out of this situation. But Avani didn't pay heed to my request. Infact she told me to do as the doctor said.

Meanwhile Dr Naveen left the room for some work. I tried to persuade Avani once again but she didn't listen to me.

"Remember the promise you made. You will do as I say. Now fulfill your promise and do as the doctor says. Get this injection without making any fuss." She reminded me.

I instantly regret the promise I made but now I didn't have any choice so I decided to have the injection as they want me to do.

Dr Naveen came back and was now standing beside me. I got nervous when he flicked the liquid from the syringe to remove the air.

I quickly turn on my side. I could feel Avani hands exposing the part the needle would go in.

"Ok Dr you can go ahead she is ready for the injection." Avani spoke while holding my folded trousers.

"Disha just stay relaxed and don't tense up and don't move at all" he spoke while wiping the spot on my waist.

I felt a large pinch making me jerk.

"Relax yourself. This will hurt a little but you are so brave" Dr Naveen spoke continuing the injection. I closed my eyes because of the pain but I tried not to move.

"Hold on just a little more" he spoke while still pushing the liquid. After about 30 seconds he removed the needle and pressed cotton over it. The slow movement with the pressed cotton gave a little relief to me. Avani helped me to dressup quickly and as he went to dipose the shot.

"You did so well." Dr Naveen spoke taking out his stethoscope. He checked my heart and lungs and other vitals.

"Your heart rate is still very fast. Try to get some sleep. I will come back to check you after an hour. Be asleep by that time. Otherwise I will need to give you a sedative." He spoke before handing me medicines and leaving the room.

I took the medicines and lied down. I didn't want another injection today. I immediately drifted into sleep.

I woke up directly the next morning. The painkiller injection really made me feel good.

Dr Naveen checked all my vitals and checked the cut on my hand before discharging me.

Avani took leave from her office so that she could look after me till I get fine. I was so grateful to her. She Is not only my friend but she is my lifeline. I cannot imagine myself without her.

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