Chapter 3

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Five words.


I stare at my reflection as I smoothen out my hair before placing a cap over my head. I was wearing my 'I like it.' dance outfit which consist of high waist jeans, white crop top, plaid jacket and black boots. 

It was currently 1:30AM and I was waiting for Yeji to come get me in my bedroom so we could sneak out.

Why did I accept her offer you ask? Well, like I said before.

I'm a whipped idiot.

Besides, she promised this would be the last favor I was ever going to do for her. And after this I actually had officially planned to avoid her as much as possible because I knew the upcoming pain I was going to feel tonight.

I don't know why Yeonjun asked for her to bring one of us to go on a double date. Maybe to keep people from becoming suspicious and to mind their own damn business. He apparently had rented a private room at a restaurant for us. Can't say I wasn't impressed with the man but I was.

Yeji had only asked me because I was the only one who knew this secret of hers. I felt a pinch in my chest as I began to wonder if we all knew her secret, would she have asked me to come?.

An uncomfortable feeling was stirring inside me at the fact that I somehow is now joining in on this lie. And that fact was causing painful and terrible memories to arise from somewhere I thought was no longer present in my mind.

The cries, the heartbreaks it was all reappearing. I huff and took a deep breath as tears were threatening to escape. Fortunately I was able to rid myself from the flashbacks as a sound of a faint knock was made from the other side of my door.

I let out a breath and slowly made my way towards the door while placing my mask on my face. I open the door and felt my heart skip a beat at the beauty in front of me.

Fortunately my face was covered, or else my blushing cheeks would be seen. She smiles up at me softly,

"Ready?" She asks in light whisper as she places her mask over her face as well while glancing around the hallway. I silently nod before trailing behind her and quietly exiting our dorm. The moment we got out I was met with Yeonjun and his fellow member Beomgyu. Yeonjun opens his arms and Yeji shyly wraps her arms around his waist as he engulfs her into his embrace.

Wanting to ignore the sight and to ease the growing pain, I quickly turn my attention to Beomgyu who seemed to be stunned to see me for a reason I wasn't so sure of.

"Guess you're my date for tonight eh?" I joke causing him to quickly shake his head and chuckle while scratching the back of his neck shyly.

"Guess so." He teases back causing us both to laugh lightly.

He seems nice.


So far I haven't wanted to jump out of this moving car and tuck and roll to escape. Beomgyu was able to distract me from Yeonjun and Yeji being all couple like in the front seat.

We all had removed our masks the moment we hopped in the car and I had to be honest, he was pretty handsome without it.

Hearing Yeonjun and Yeji whispering and giggling in the front had caused Beomgyu to turn towards me and fake gag. I laugh and nudged his shoulders playfully before acting as if my hand was a gun. I place it to my temple and pretended to shoot my head causing him and I to laugh rather loudly. Yeonjun turns his head quickly towards us before looking forward again.

"What's funny?" He asks with Yeji turning around to face us with an amused expression. Beomgyu and I look towards each other before looking back at them and feigned a look of innocence.

"Nothing." We both simultaneously say. I gnaw at my bottom lip, holding in a laugh. Yeonjun chuckles and shakes his head.

"Children." He jokes causing the both of us to chuckle and nod our head in agreement. Feeling a pair of eyes on me however, I turn forward and caught Yeji looking at me with an unreadable expression before turning forward.

Before I could even ask if she was alright, Beomgyu had quickly began to speak and the rest of the car ride was filled with our laughters. Beomgyu was entertaining to say the least that I didn't even notice a certain brunettes silence.


Finally sitting at a table with Yeji and I on one side of the table and with boys in front of us I was finally able to really see him with the lights on around us.

He's cute.

'Not as cute as Yeji though.'

I mentally scold my inner thoughts as I had to remind myself that her and I will never happen and it'll forever be a one sided thing. Beomgyu smiles at me.

"So what brings you here to join me in this lovely night Miss Shin?" He playfully asks. I teasingly roll my eyes before resting my elbow on the table and placing my chin on my hand before smirking.

"Just a handsome man like yourself ." I lean back and began to giggle as a blush was suddenly formed on his cheeks as he quickly covered his face with the menu. Guess he wasn't use to the bold type. Yeonjun laughs and nudges his sides.

"Aish Ryujin I think you broke him." He teases. I shrug and laugh.

"He started it!" I chuckle out causing the blush to turn a deeper shade of red on his cheeks. I laugh and flicker my eyes towards Yeji and noticed her smiling while looking down.

Even though I was hurt I still would like to know if she was alright. While Yeonjun was relentlessly teasing a blushing Beomgyu, I softly placed my hand on Yeji's thigh causing her to flinch in surprise. She turns to face me with unreadable eyes and smiles as she noticed the worry in mine.

"You okay?" I whisper. She silently nods and places her hand over mine. She must be happy that I was speaking to her again I guess.

"Yeah." She whispers in return and squeezes my hand causing the heat in the back of my neck to grow towards the softness from her hand.

'God she's perfect.'

I nod my head and was about to remove my hand from her grip but she had quickly tightened it. I turn my attention towards her face and grew even more confused as she kept her gaze on the menu, ignoring the fact that she was still holding my hand.

I sigh and mentally shrug, before turning my attention on the menu. After a while Yeonjun and Yeji seemed to be having a conversation while Beomgyu and I were silently looking through the menu.

Beomgyu looks up at me with a calmer expression.

"You know I'm actually glad it's you who's my date tonight." He causally says. I lift my eyebrows in amusement and chuckle.

"Really? Why's that?" I ask. His smiles.

"If I'm going to be honest with you, you've always caught my attention. I think it's your charm, you always seemed to be glowing on stage and I admire that." Now it was my turn to blush and hide my face from behind the menu. My blush deepened as I heard him chuckling in entertainment.

I was never too great with receiving compliments, I always get flustered easily with a simple one. I blush when someone casually says 'nice hair.'

I felt Yeji loosen her grip on my hand and slowly pull away and placing it above the table. I mentally frown at the loss contact and flickered my eyes towards her to only see her smiling and nodding to what Yeonjun was telling her.

Guess now her attention was going to be on Yeonjun for the rest of the night. And now it was time for me to try to move on seeing her showing off her gummy smile to a man across from her. Shrugging off the ache I quickly put down the menu and smiled kindly towards Beomgyu.

"So tell me about yourself Beomgyu."

I felt her eyes burn the side of my face.

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