Chapter 23

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I'm losing my mind with this damn house arrest!

The only freedom I'm getting today is dance rehearsals for our concert in Jakarta. But what is there to rehearse? We're just dancing and singing the same damn songs over and over again.

Yeji and I haven't spoken since. Well, she's tried but I just can't seem to face her without breaking even more.

"Ryujin-ah, ready to go?" Jisu calls out from behind my door. I sigh while zipping up my ripped denim shorts before walking to the door and opening it with a dull look and a small pout.

"Do I have a choice," she chuckles and grabs onto my wrist before leading me out. I whine.

"But we're doing the same dance.." She playfully scoffs while shoving me inside the van. I yelp as I face plant onto the seats.

What is with these tiny girls and their damn strength?!

"Easy for a dancing machine like yourself to say. I still need practice." She scolds while crossing her arms and staring at my lifeless body in amusement. I roll on my back and sigh in defeat while propping myself on my elbows.

"Well if you needed help you could've just asked me." I mutter to myself as I slowly sat myself down and scooted towards the side. She silently stares at me before sliding in beside me and gently placing her hand on my thigh.

"You could've asked me for help too." I look at her feeling confused by her sudden mood change. She had a sad smile painted on her lips. But, finally realizing what she was talking about, I quickly averted my eyes down to my lap. She squeezes my thigh gently and chuckles.

"Don't worry I'm not going to be all sappy. Just know my door is always going to open." I lift my head and smile.

"Thanks." And before she could react I quickly grab onto her face and began to pepper her cheeks with my kisses causing her to groan and shove me away.

"Yah!" She yells out while trying to pry my hands off her face.

"Ehem..." We both freeze and slowly turn towards the door where Ryeong stood with sharp eyes. Jisu quickly shoved my face away causing me to slam my head against the window and hiss.

I rub the spot that ached while sending the angry chipmunk an apologetic smile. She rolls her eyes before entering and climbing into the backseat. I chuckle and smirk.

"Oooh someone's sleeping on the couch tonight." I tease but instantly hiss as Jisu punches my arm before following Ryeong to the back.

Those dense puppies.

My eyes follow her in amusement as a small smile was drawn into my lips while I stared at them in envy. I wished my secret wasn't out there and that Yeji and I were as clingy as them again.

But then again, a weight has been lifted off my shoulder and maybe I don't regret it at all.

I shake my head while laughing lightly and instinctively turn my eyes towards the door and quickly felt my smile drop the moment Yeji climbed into the car.

She meets my eyes and sends me a soft smile while sending a small nod towards me. I return the gesture, minus the smile.

Yeji turns away and was about to go to the back but freezes seeing Jisu and Ryeong occupying the back silently arguing. Jisu has a small pout on her lips as she tried to make Chaeryeong face her, who had stern look placed on her features.

She slowly faces me and clears her throat while sliding into the seat next to me.

"I hope you don't mind." She whispers as she uncomfortably adjusts herself on the seat. I let out a breath as her sweet scent engulfs my nostrils causing my heart to shoot through my chest.

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