Mean girl

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Roseanne Park is not your average teenager. No, she is a mean girl. Some would even say she's the worst of the worst. The blonde has a tendency to make the smallest matters seem as though they could ruin her life, and this made everyone scared of her. Literally everyone. Teachers, pupils, sponsors of the school, rivals schools, practically everyone in the city is scared of Roseanne. And she's ruthless to everyone who crossed her, well, also to those who didn't. But you are her only exception.

As her girlfriend, you are the sole person in her life who could 'control' her. You never do, of course, but you're the only one who can calm her down when she is at her worst, and you are the only person Roseanne would dare to crumble down in front of.

You started dating at the beginning of the high school year. Roseanne had already established herself as Queen Bee, but that did not phase you. You were not as bad as her, but you also were no angel when people deserved it. Your boldness, and kind nature attracted the blonde, and after many dates you were official.

To her, you are everything. Some would call it being whipped, but you couldn't say that to Roseanne if you wanted to survive the year. She spoils you; you hate it, but would not dare to argue about it with your girl.

At school, Roseanne has a persona, and a reputation to uphold. She shouts at poor students all day merely for looking in her direction. But at home, either yours or hers, she is completely different. In public she wears all luxury items, mainly YSL but she dabbles in other brands, whereas in private she only wears your hoodies and joggers. She never puts on anything else. In the summer she would wear your vests and shorts. Why would she buy her own when she could always steal yours. She argues that your clothes are more comfortable anyway, but you know that she does it because she's head over heels in love with you. You don't mind, you secretly love it. You love seeing your angel happy.

This however, was not the case today. Your Roseanne was nowhere near happy on this very day. Right before her eyes, stands her rival, Somi, flirting with her girl while you try to get away, yet failing miserably. Roseanne can clearly see Somi's hand fall to your arm, whilst laughing at absolutely nothing merely to get your attention. You however, clearly look uncomfortable with her approaches, and the blonde girl could see that. She so desperately wanted at this very moment to storm over and kill the girl who dares to try it on with what is hers and only hers. But she waits, wanting to confront her rival in private as she hates doing anything 'bad' in front of you.

Finally you manage to get away, with the excuse of going to practise when Roseanne knows perfectly well that you do not have practise on Tuesdays, but she does not mind as she now as a chance to execute her plan.

Walking up behind her rival in the bathroom made Roseanne feel powerful. She has the upper hand. Pushing Somi in to the sinks, she shouts:

"Why do you think it's acceptable to flirt with my girl?"

Somi, stunned for a second but quickly recovering, stared at the blonde with such hate and malice that even Roseanne was impressed.

"Your girl deserves better than a bitch like you. I can give her more, and treat her better. I bet you can't even make her.."

The sentence didn't even get to be finished before Roseanne lunged at her rival, pulling hair, slapping, cursing, you name it. Roseanne lost her temper in a way she has never lost it before. She knows she will feel guilty about it later, but in the moment she didn't care. But maybe she should have stopped the moment you walked in, hearing all the screaming from miles away. Because with all the flailing and shouting she was doing, she accidentally elbowed you in the face, hitting your nose and making it bleed.

Upon the contact, Roseanne immediately stopped, shocked beyond belief. She couldn't believe that she just hit her princess, accident or not, she still hit her girl, and her heart was breaking with each second that passed. Somi, meanwhile stood there with the biggest smirk she could produce, and although she was bleeding and hurting herself, she felt as though she won.

"Told you I could treat her better". And with that, she walked away.

You stood there, one hand holding your nose and the other wrapping around Roseanne, who started crying the second Somi walked out. You weren't mad, not one bit, your girl was not abusive to you at all, never even shouting at you, so you know that this incident will affect her. She was sobbing at this point, holding onto you for dear life, and apologising profusely.

"I'm so sorry my love, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay baby, I'm not mad, but I would appreciate if we cleaned up my nose, I don't want to get blood on you", you laughed, and even got a smile out of the blonde, who rushed to get tissues and anything that could help. She stuck by your side for the rest of the day, desperate to make it up to you by the end.


Night time came around, both of you had cooked together, ate and showered after the many events of the day, and were currently snuggled up in bed watching a movie that was playing on the tv. Roseanne was barely paying attention to it, and instead opted to stare at you, and decided now was the best time to make it up to you.

She climbed on top of you, straddling you, and started kissing your neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Making it up to you"

And that's how you spent your night, with her pleasuring you and making sure you knew just how much she loves you.

Roseanne is a strange being. With her bitchy aura in public, to her softness in private, you knew she would be a lot to handle as the time went on, but you could not wait to see what the future held, because from what you know, you are going to marry this girl.

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