Chapter 4

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Alex's Point of View

Becky peeked in. But when she did, she looked like she's going to pass out.

She looked at us with eyes filled with pain and tears.

Then she just ran out of the house.

Mickey and Sarah ran after her.

I barged in to see Austin kissing Taylor on his lap.

My jaw dropped and I was furious.

To think Austin changed.

But what really caught me by surprise is, Taylor's stomach.


He pulled away from the kiss and pushed her off

"ALEX! What are you doing here?!"

"What the heck were you doing with Taylor?! Now I know why Becky ran away!"

"Becky saw?!"

"Austin shut up!! Why would you hurt Becky like that?!"

"Alex I-"

"She's trusted you!! After all the pain you put her 4 months ago, you hurt her like this? And you got Taylor pregnant!!"


"We all trusted you! You've hurt Becky when all she did was love you! Was she not enough?"

"Yes she is! But-"

"So why did you do this to her? Did you even love her?"

"ALEX! I love her! So much!! But Taylor is carrying my baby. And-"


He stayed quiet and looked down.

I saw tears in his eyes.

"You made a promise to her Austin. You know how she is with promises. Especially with you. She trusted you."

"But Taylor is carrying my child.."

"I know that! But that doesnt mean you have to go behind her back and cheat on her! You could've just told her! Yes she would've been hurt but knowing her she would've understand! And you should know that!"

"I-I I screwed up."

"I can't' even look at you right now, Austin. We're best friends. But you're still not the same. All this time.. it's like you haven't changed at all."

"Austin, Do you still love Becky?" Robert asked holding his anger.

Robert looked like he wanted to kill him.

"Yes I do. I love her so much." Austin replied with a cracking voice.

"If you really love her, then you would've never done this."


"I know Taylor is carrying your child. Wait, do you even know for sure if it's yours? She's slept with almost every guy here."

I looked at Austin. His face filled with shock.

"I-I I dont know."

I talked.

"Wow Austin. You broke Becky. And you dont even know if that's really your child."

I shook my head and walked out with Robert following behind.

End of POV

Austin's Point of View

Taylor ran out when I dropped her.

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