2 - Mission Accomplished! Now, We Win

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"A blackened will have the chance to save one person when they graduate if the two work together to murder someone!" Monokuma cheered, introducing the new motive.

"That's not fair!" Akamatsu shouted, slamming her hands into her hips with irritation. "How are we supposed to figure out the blackened when two people are working against us?!"

"If you'd let me finish, there's a catch! Just in case two highly intelligent people such as Saihara and Ouma, or Amami and Haruka- Oh wait, never mind!~" Monokuma cackled at the mention of the late woman. "Both blackened will have to be voted out for the spotless to win! Bye-bye now, be careful who you trust!~ Or don't, that'll make it more fun for me!" With that, the robotic bear disappeared, his four remaining children in tow.

Shuichi glanced around the room, everyone glaring at each other with suspicion as they left the gymnasium. Walking alone towards his dorm, Shuichi shoved his hands into his pockets, staring at the ground. Kokichi and I could escape together, but we'd have to kill someone. Is that something I can do? I've seen how people were affected after each death and execution, Amami even came back to haunt us in the sixth class trial before. Unlocking his door and slowly creaking it open, Shuichi fell to the ground, a pressure pushing his back.

He turned around to see Kokichi locking the door behind them, staring down at the bluenette. "Oh? Looks like you've fallen for me Shuichi!~" Kokichi teased, jumping over the male and skipping to his bed. Shuichi rolled his eyes, unable to hold back the goofy grin forming as he joined Kokichi on the bed. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"Yeah... Are we really going to do this?" Shuichi asked, aiming the question at himself. Kokichi jumped up and rifled through the detective's belongings, grabbing pen and paper and waving Shuichi over.

"Come on, let's plan your freedom from this shit."


Shuichi winced as an arrow thudded into Momota's neck, unable to prepare himself for the sight despite all of his deep breathing exercises. The two had been talking, the Ultimate Astronaut trying to recruit Shuichi to work out with him daily. Rushing to Momota's side, Shuichi watched as blood gurgled from his mouth, the victim groaning. "H-Help..."

"No," Shuichi smiled, pulling the arrow from Momota's neck and stabbing it back in as hard as he could. He felt the astronaut's skin tear underneath the sharp arrowhead, blood pouring from the first injury as he left the arrow in the second. Murder is kind of fun in a weird way, it's nice to feel in control for once in this weird, fictional life. Shaking his head, Shuichi grabbed the tripwire Momota had triggered and yanked it from its hooks.

Shoving the wire into his pocket, Shuichi ran down the hallway, seeing Kokichi waiting for him outside the dorms. "Shuichi! You're late! You should know not to keep the Ultimate Supreme Leader waiting!" Kokichi shouted, his hands on his hips as he glared at the panting detective.

"Sorry, I forgot we were meeting," he mumbled, Shuichi's hands on his knees as he doubled over, trying to catch his breath. "I god caught up exploring the new labs."

"Whatever, let's go so I can kill you!~" Kokichi sang, shooting a smirk at Amami and Akamatsu who had been eavesdropping. Akamatsu frowned as the two men turned to walk away, a loud chime interrupting their plans.

"A body has been discovered! Everyone, please make your way outside Class A!" Monokuma's face flickered to black, the screens and speakers going dormant again. Kokichi and Shuichi shared a knowing glance, following Akamatsu and Amami towards the crime scene. The adrenaline made time fly by, the four stumbling across Momota's corpse.

"Oh my God!" Chabashira shouted, screaming the loudest as she held her arms in front of her face in terror.

"This isn't the first dead body you've seen, Jesus Christ," Kokichi laughed. Before anyone could argue or insult the supreme leader, Monokuma appeared with the Monokubz. Everyone took their Monokuma File, ignoring the bears as they disappeared.

Case 2
Victim - Kaito Momota
Location - Hallway outside of Class A. Floor one.

Time of Death - 10:00-10:30 am
Cause - Impaled in the neck.
Other Injuries - Puncture wound to the right side of the neck. Death was instantaneous.

Yet again, everyone scattered to investigate either on their own or with their friends. Jumping over to his new recruit, Kokichi grinned up at Shuichi. "Well my beloved detective, let's start investigating!"

"We should start with the body," Shuichi mumbled, continuing with the plan. The two knelt next to the body and pretended to analyse it, careful not to move it around too much in case they revealed any evidence. Kokichi glanced around, slipping his hand under his shirt when no one was looking and pulling out another arrow, shoving it underneath Momota's corpse.

"Saihara, can I ask what you were doing during the time of death?" Tojo asked, approaching Shuichi and Kokichi.

"I was exploring the second floor from around 9:45 am until a few minutes before the body discovery announcement when I met up with Kokichi outside the dorms." Shuichi kept his composure through his lie, smiling at Tojo.

"It's true, believe me, I'd never lie!" Kokichi chuckled, grinning like a child being praised for the first time.

"Sorry to interrupt, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I can confirm Saihara's alibi too. I heard him talking to Kokichi when they met up," Akamatsu smiled.

"Thank you, everyone, I shall remember this for the case. May I have your alibis Ouma and Akamatsu?" Tojo asked, bowing slightly. 

"Nope! Come on Shuichi, let's go investigate more!" Ouma laughed, standing on his toes to whisper into Shuichi's ear. "We need to find where the murder weapon came from." Shuichi nodded, aware that the women could overhear, just as the two had planned.

"Sounds good, um, sorry Tojo, sorry Akamatsu," Shuichi nervously chuckled. As Kokichi pulled him away from the conversation, he waved to the woman as the two travelled to the second floor. "You checked the brick, didn't you?"

"Yep! Don't worry, everything's in place," Kokichi continued to grin, his hands behind his head as he waltzed through the academy. "Let's head to Harukawa's lab, I bet the murder weapon came from there!"

"Alright, it's this way," Shuichi mumbled, staring at the ground. His heart pounded against his ribcage, threatening to break with every beat.

"Shuichi, listen," Kokichi sighed, taking the detective's hand and lowering his voice to a faint whisper. "I'm proud of you, not even I could come up with something this amazing. We'll be fine. Listen, they'll never find the both of us. You'll be free soon enough."

"Thank you Kokichi, it means a lot," Shuichi smiled, gazing into the other male's violet, beautiful eyes.

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