5 - Eyes of a Protagonist

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Shuichi hurried to his room, ignoring the dark, night-encased academy. Fumbling with his key, Shuichi shoved it into the lock of his dorm, attempting to turn it before a cold hand wrapped around his shoulder. "Hey Saihara, how are you holding up?" Turning around, Shuichi came face to face with K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot's face filled with pity. "I have the impression that you and Akamatsu were close."

Staring at the ground, Shuichi sighed. "I... I don't understand why she would kill someone. I'm going to miss her, even though we only knew each other for a few days." He felt a pang of guilt churn his stomach as Shuichi lied. In truth, he'd become numb to watching everyone die, no longer feeling upset nor horrified. It'd all become normal in his fictional life. That's all I'm alive to do, just participate in Danganronpa, I never existed beforehand anyway.

"It'll be alright, all we can do now is escape. For her," K1-B0 smiled.

"Thank you Kiibo, I think I just need to sleep, this has made me extremely drained..." Shuichi gave the robot a half-hearted smile. As Shuichi opened his door, he heard two grunts behind him. Turning again, the male noticed K1-B0 had bumped into Tojo, who was on her way to her dorm. Noticing Tojo's hand skim K1-B0's neck, Shuichi held his breath, only releasing it when he noticed a secret button hadn't been pressed.

Shuichi knew K1-B0 had a self-destruct function masked as a button on the metal armour creating his abdomen. Only K1-B0 could activate the button, to ensure no one could accidentally press it. However, Shuichi also knew through surveying the robot that there was a second button hidden inside the collar of his armour, one that anyone could activate.

"Kiibo, careful about your neck," Shuichi warned.

"Oh? Is something wrong with your neck, Kiibo?" Tojo asked, concerned for the robot.

"Nothing's wrong!" K1-B0 smiled. "I have a few functions hidden on my neck, I assume that's what Saihara meant." Turning to the false chemist for confirmation, Shuichi nodded.

"May I ask what your functions are? I am quite interested, if you do not mind," Tojo asked. Waving goodbye, Shuichi closed the door before he could be roped into the conversation. Locking the door, Shuichi fell onto his bed and allowed the frog to hop out of his throat. He cried and cried into the pillow, knowing all he could do was watch his friends murder again, except he knew he was at the centre this time.


Slipping on his black and light grey cap, Shuichi sighed. The familiar shadow of the brim brought back memories of Shuichi's worse moments in life when he hid behind the accessory. Those moments were about to return, as he'd decided wearing the cap would create a more meek impression. From experience, he knew the more friendly yet meek someone seemed, the more unassuming they became.

Slipping out of the dorm, Shuichi made his way to the dining room for breakfast as he'd done in the past week since Akamatsu died. Hearing a chime ring throughout the academy and courtyard, Shuichi groaned. "Again?!"

"Everyone, please make your way to the game room!" Monokuma's voice laughed over the Monokubs before the announcement system faded into dormancy. Hurrying to the game room, Shuichi burst through the door to find K1-B0 on the ground, presumably dead. Shuichi shouted out in fear, alerting the others to his presence as he attempted to reach out for the robot.

"Hold on Saihara," Tojo warned, gripping Shuichi's wrist to stop him from moving forward. "He may be conducting electricity currently, we must be careful." Shuichi nodded, stepping back as Monokuma handed out the Monokuma File.

Case 2
Victim - K1-B0, the Ultimate Robot.
Location - Game room in the Basement.
Time of Death - 7:54 am
Cause - Electrocution.
Other Injuries - Detached arm and exposed circuitry.

Shuichi stared at the electronic tablet in his hands, forcing himself to hold a blank stare. Why would Danganronpa kill off K1-B0? Isn't he the camera for the outside world? I'd have thought Danganronpa scripted him to stay alive, like always. I'll ask Asano later.

Shuichi watched as everyone dispersed to their groups, investigating the murder at a pace that suited them. Analysing the wreckage of the robot, Shuichi noticed the exposed wires in his neck attached to the inside of a collection of extension cords. Shaking his head, Shuichi turned and walked out of the game room. I can't do this again, not when I'm the cause. How did Shirogane or Akamatsu do this? I'm nauseous all the time from the guilt, it's horrible.

"Yo, what's up Sidekick?" Momota asked, following the chemist.

"Sidekick?" Shuichi asked, not expecting the nickname so soon.

"Yeah! You need a friend, so you're going to be my sidekick!" Momota grinned, sticking out his thumb. Shuichi chuckled, warmth radiating from his heart at the familiar banter. "What's up? I noticed you seemed upset and walked out."

Shuichi sighed, leaning against the wall outside the game room and staring at the ground. "Kiibo was so nice to me the night Akamatsu was executed. Now he's dead too. I'm losing everyone who gets close to me. Akamatsu and I were about to become good friends, then Kiibo's comforting me, so who's next? Am I just an unlucky charm?"

"Come on Saihara, you know that's not true!" Momota boomed with a toothy grin. "Suck it up and be a man, don't wallow in self-pity! We'll get out of here, no one else will die! Well, apart from the next execution I guess, but that's not important! I'll save everyone, just you wait!" Shuichi smiled, glad that his old friend had returned, but deep down he knew it wouldn't last.

Despite Momota's harsh, borderline misogynistic expressions, Shuichi knew it was the only way the astronaut knew to comfort someone. Momota may be brash, but once you got to know him you could tell he only wanted the best for everyone around him. "Alright, I suppose we should investigate," Shuichi sighed, rising to his feet.

"You can be my sidekick during the investigations!" Momota declared with another toothy grin. He grabbed Shuichi's wrist and dragged him back to the crime scene. Sighing, Shuichi allowed Momota to take charge, not wanting to risk compromising his identity. Glancing at the robotic wreckage of a corpse, Shuichi noticed something odd at his neck.

The button that deactivates him is red... Normally, it's black, I'd always assumed it was to blend in with his armour. I'm guessing it turns on when he's dead, or, maybe it's only when someone presses it? If it's the latter, is it when he does, or someone else? There's only one way to find out, but somehow I get the feeling Asano won't tell me. He hasn't revealed that function to anyone else, has he? That means I can assume it simply turns read upon death.

"Yo, Sidekick, notice anything?" Momota asked, turning to face the other male from where he knelt at the body.

"Uh, no, sorry. I'm only really useful when it comes to mixing acids and metals. This would be better suited for an electrician..." Shuichi awkwardly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Momota nodded and turned back to K1-B0, keeping his hands away from the conductive murder trap. Awkwardly analysing from behind the astronaut, Shuichi noticed something else about the odd murder.

K1-B0's arm looks like an expert ended up detaching it, an expert such as Iruma... There's no sign from here of scratches from something like a screwdriver or wrench. The cuts on the wires are pretty smooth too, so maybe the blackened did it with a pair of scissors?

"Hey, you two." Focusing on the open red door, Shuichi noticed Harukawa approaching them. "Hands, hold them up." Frowning, Shuichi shared a confused glance with Momota before doing as asked. He noticed Harukawa analyse their hands before nodding. "Thanks." Before either male could question her, the child-caregiver had left the room.

Who would've murdered K1-B0? What does this mean for Danganronpa? I need to remember to ask Asano, I can't figure out why they'd want to kill off their audience participation. If the game's ruined, I might be in trouble... It could mean I've lost... Again.

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