3 - There's Not Enough Evidence

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"Alright you lot, no one has killed each other in a week!" Monokuma shouted, a red shadow looming over the robot's expression full of hatred. Shuichi sighed, having expected another motive to occur soon. The students eating in the dining hall put their food down and turned their attention to the robot headmaster and his two remaining children, Monophanie and Monotaro.

"Yahoo! Finally, something fun will happen again! I think I'd have died of boredom if we had to wait another day!" Ouma cheered, jumping out of his seat.

"Shut up," Harukawa muttered, her tone showing no hint of emotion as per usual.

"Yeah, shut up and stop interrupting me! Anyway, the fun bit! The next winning blackened will have their entire criminal record wiped clean if they have one!"

"What if we do not have such a record?" Shinguji asked.

"That doesn't matter, because you all have one!" Monotaro replied on behalf of his father. Wait, but I don't have one, and why would Himiko have one either? Before Shuichi could voice his concerns, the three robot bears disappeared into thin air. Everyone stared at each other accusatorily, not a hint of trust in the air around them.

"Psst, Shuichi," Himiko whispered, nudging the detective beside her. "Let's talk outside." Nodding, the two left the table, walking through the hallways until they ended up in the courtyard. "I think the motive is targeting either Ouma or Harukawa," she mumbled.

"I agree, we should keep an eye on them." Nodding, Shuichi agreed with the mage. "Hoshi might be a target too, though. He's the one who's the most open about being a criminal if we disregard Ouma."

"Nyeh, but it can't be him, right?"

"Why not?"

"He's already served time for his crime, right?" Himiko stopped walking, turning to stare up at the bluenette. "I don't think wiping his criminal record would be beneficial."

"It doesn't work like that Himiko. If he gets out of here, he'd go back to jail. A crime like that gets a life sentence at minimum, a couple if he's lucky. I believe what you're saying though, he doesn't have an incentive to escape, so Ouma and Harukawa should be our main focus."

"Wait, Shinguji is a serial killer," Himiko muttered, her face shrouded in hatred. Why wouldn't she hate him after what he did?

"Yes, but something tells me he hasn't been caught, meaning there's no criminal record there." Shuichi frowned, the motive was proving more difficult than he'd thought.

"Nyeh, I don't think that matters," Himiko drawled. "It just matters how everyone interpreted the motive."

"Good point, I didn't think of it that way," Shuichi sighed. "Thank you Himiko, you're the best," he smiled, pulling her into a tight hug. "Now, let's decide who we're going to watch."


"Alright Saihara, time to explain," Ouma scowled. Shuichi stepped backwards until he hit a wall, cornered by the small purplette.

"U-uh..." Shuichi stammered, not expecting the confrontation. Being a detective, stalking people became second nature to him, and this was the first time someone had caught him.

"Is it because you think I'm going to kill someone?~" Ouma sang, placing his open palm on Shuichi's chest with a smirk.

"Isn't it obvious?" Shuichi spat, determined not to show any emotions that Ouma could use to his advantage.

"Well, that's interesting," Ouma chuckled. He leant in close, standing on the tips of his toes so his mouth reached Shuichi's ear. His body was warm against Shuichi's, the two closer than they'd ever intended. "You and your little girlfriend are going to regret messing with the mastermind." Chuckling, Ouma jumped back and turned, strolling away without a care in the world, hands resting behind his head.

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