6 - We Reject Danganronpa!

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Shuichi stood at Harukawa's side, the two on the edge of the dorms. Monokuma's voice announced the end of the investigation, calling all students to the Shrine of Judgement. Sighing, Shuichi rubbed the anxiety from his burning, tired eyes. "I guess it's time."

"Let's go. We'll get through this, Saihara," Harukawa muttered. Her tone didn't hold the usual apathetic disregard for others' emotions. Harukawa sounded like she cared about Shuichi.

Shuichi broke his gaze from the ground, locking eyes with his friend. "Together?" He whispered. Nothing would lift his spirits more than confirmation.

Harukawa placed a hand on his shoulder, an unusual smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Together," she whispered in return.

"Oi, lovebirds!" Ouma shouted from nearby. "Hurry up before the rest of us die from old age!" Shuichi puffed air from his nose in amusement at the supreme leader's antics.

"Why couldn't he be our victim?" Harukawa muttered under her breath, walking at Shuichi's side toward the Shrine of Judgement.

Shuichi rolled his eyes, wondering what the male did to warrant Harukawa's hatred. Surely it didn't all stem from the first world? "He would've caught on immediately. Even if you hate to admit it, he'd particularly intelligent."

Harukawa said nothing more, seeming to agree with the detective. As they approached the area, Shuichi glanced up at the enormous statue of a muscular Monokuma. It made him shiver in second-hand embarrassment. "Ah, may I ask a question, Saihara?" Turning, the bluenette locked eyes with Tojo.

"Of course!" Shuichi smiled. Why shouldn't he indulge the Ultimate Maid?

"What were you both discussing on the way here?" Tojo's bright-green eyes held a comforting aura, one of which could only be compared to a loving mother. She didn't seem to hold any ill-intent behind her curiosity.

"Oh..." Shuichi tugged the grey brim of his cap down, hiding his eyes. "Sorry, I still feel a little ill after.. what we saw..." He mumbled, keeping his voice low to sell the lie. "I'm worried about being ill during the class trial. This isn't something anyone should have to go through... Akamatsu and Kiibo deserved better."

"I'm the Ultimate Child Caregiver," Harukawa interrupted. "I offered to take care of him during the trial if he needed."

"I understand, that is what I assumed," Tojo nodded. "If you require my assistance, I am available to help at any time Saihara."

"Thank you, Tojo, it means a lot," Shuichi smiled. With that, the fourteen living students entered an elevator that'd morphed from the Monokuma statue.

The elevator lurched, descending beneath the academy's grounds. Shuichi glanced at Harukawa, noticing no hint of emotion behind her stone-cold glare. That was the woman he knew, although, he also knew that fear that would be coursing her veins. This was is, this was the moment of truth.

Was it possible to break free from Danganronpa?

The elevator doors creaked open, revealing the familiar trial grounds. Shuichi cringed, remembering horrid memories that the place held. He pretended to glance around, analysing his surroundings as he circled with the other contestants. It was immeasurably important to follow their lead, he'd appear suspicious if unfazed.

Eventually, the fourteen found themselves situated on podiums, the order so familiar to Shuichi that he had it unintentionally memorised. Once Monokuma's tedious drawl came to an end, the trial started.

The trial for Harukawa and Shuichi's freedom was upon them. It caused more fear to surge in the pit of Shuichi's stomach than he'd realised.

"How about we start with the cause of death?" Amami suggested. Everyone nodded, unsure how to continue.

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