6 - I Have An Idea

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Shuichi winced as a bright flash startled him, making him recoil and fall to the ground with a thud. "Ah, you are alert." He turned to the person speaking, noticing Tojo's bright-green eye peering into his. "You had zoned out for quite a while, we were all growing worried."

"I-I'm fine..." Shuichi muttered. Tojo reached out a hand as he glanced around, seeing fourteen others staring at him. Taking her gloved hand with his trembling one, the detective stood with a false smile. Brushing off his uniform, the male noticed no one had looked away. It overwhelmed him again, but not as bad as usual. "Just shaken up is all..."

Shuichi glanced around, noticing the sixteen stood in the gymnasium. Despair swirled behind their eyes, even Ouma's. Harukawa didn't seem as badly affected though, but she had always been apathetic. That's when he realised, the game must've been disclosed already. How could he be reincarnated after the part where everyone woke up, it didn't make too much sense. To be fair, nor did Danganronpa.

Everyone began splitting up, leaving the gymnasium in groups to explore the academy. "Yo, tiny dick." Frowning, Shuichi peeked out from behind his hat to see Iruma storming up to him. "Everyone else has left and I'm not spending time with that little bitch," she spat, jabbing her thumb in Ouma's direction. "Let's explore. With my golden brain, we'll find an escape!"

Glancing around the room, Shuichi sighed and nodded. It couldn't hurt. "Sure, let's go." As the two walked out of the gymnasium, Shuichi spoke a few words repeatedly in his mind. Forget everything, start anew.


Exhausted, Shuichi's bed held a heavenly glow as the detective sprawled out atop the blankets. He stared at the roof for a moment, faintly aware of his hat thudding to the ground. A sob broke from his throat, then another, then another until he began bawling.

He curled into a ball on his side, weeping violently into the blankets. It was hard to handle. Another day walking amongst his friends, all of whom he'd seen die in a countless number of brutal methods.

Interrupting his depression before it grew out of control, the doorbell rang through the bedroom. Taking a deep, shaky breath and wiping the tears from his face, Shuichi slowly stood. He stared at the door, wondering if this was a good idea. Answering his question, the doorbell rang again.

Shuichi sighed and shuffled to the door, opening it a crack and peeking at his visitor. He didn't know who to expect, but it wasn't Harukawa. The brunette placed her hand against the door, glaring into Shuichi's soul as he continued to stare at her. Realising what she wanted, he opened the door slightly. Harukawa didn't wait, she instead pushed her way inside and locked the door behind her.

She grabbed Shuichi's wrist, dragging him to the bed. Neither Ultimate spoke a word. Shuichi had no idea what could be happening, maybe this was about the situation with him waking up in the gym? "What are you crying about?" Harukawa seemed to be poking fun at him, but Shuichi knew better.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Shuichi muttered. Harukawa sat on the edge of his bed so he did the same. He didn't know why he said something that could seem incriminating, but he no longer cared.

"I'd believe you even if it were reincarnation," Harukawa responded with a voice as emotionless as ever. Shuichi's ears perked up, head jerking to stare at the brunette.

"You... have your memories too?" Shuichi whispered. He couldn't speak aloud. What if he had misinterpreted?

"Yes, I take it you do too," Harukawa sighed. The two sat in brief silence, staring at the floor. "I knew something had happened when your personality switched in the gym. That's when you 'woke up' - so to speak - isn't it?"

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