4 - Double Victim

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Trigger Warning *

This world/chapter is a suicide.


Shuichi stared at the ground as he left the gymnasium, having heard the whole killing game spiel for the fifth time. You know what, I'm sick of this, I can't do it. The mastermind wants despair, so that's what I'm going to cause. Ensuring no one was following him, he rushed towards the storeroom, slamming the doors behind him and searching the ginormous warehouse for a rope.

Finding what he needed, the male slipped the rope underneath his striped jacket, concealing the murder weapon. He didn't want to chance anyone attempting to stop him. Shuichi had decided to kill himself, and nothing would deter him from that goal. Maybe it's a secret way out of this mess?

Hurrying to his dorm, Shuichi slipped out of view of every exploring student. Reaching the room undiscovered, Shuichi locked his door behind him and pulled out the rope from its hiding place. Tying the rope around itself, Shuichi created a sturdy noose, testing it briefly with his hand to ensure it wouldn't unravel during his suicide. Grabbing a notepad and pen sitting beside his bed, the male wrote out a note explaining the situation. It doesn't matter if they die, it's all fiction anyway so no one will truly suffer.

I don't know if I'll be able to mentally handle five or six more murders, seeing my old friends killed. Hopefully committing suicide will be another way out of this error, one that the mastermind mightn't know exists. It's worth a try. If I had the mental state to do it earlier, I would've tried.

Scanning the ceiling, Shuichi noticed a problem in his plan. There was nowhere to hang the noose. "Fuck, of course my plan isn't going to fucking work!" Throwing the noose to the ground in defeat, Shuichi was grateful that the dorms were soundproof. Gasping, Shuichi grabbed the noose, a newfound motivation coursing through his veins.

The male slipped the noose underneath his jacket again, throwing open the door and rushing towards the academy. As he entered, he turned the corner and collided with someone, the two falling to the ground with a grunt. "Sorry," Shuichi mumbled.

"It's okay," the other person sighed. "This is like something out of an anime." Opening his eyes, the male noticed Shirogane on the floor in front of him. As he stood, he helped the woman to her feet. "We haven't met yet, have we? I'm just a plain girl, so there's nothing of importance to know. My name's Shirogane Tsumugi, I'm the Ultimate Cosplayer, despite being so plain. Who are you?"

"No one important," Shuichi glowered. Pushing past the woman, he gripped the noose still hidden underneath his clothing as he entered the game room. Perfect, no one's here. Grabbing a nearby stool, the detective propped it against the door, ensuring no one would walk in on him. He knew that if someone came across him as he died, they'd try to stop him, so he didn't have time to think.

Climbing on an arcade machine, he wrapped the noose around the metal supporting beams running around the edges of the ceiling. The rope didn't budge as he tugged on it, providing Shuichi with confidence that his plan would work without a hitch. He jumped off the machine, removing his shoes and propping the suicide note against them. This is it, I'm going to die again.

Climbing back onto the arcade machine, Shuichi slipped his neck into the loop of the noose, releasing a deep breath as he fell from the machine. The rope immediately tightened around his neck, constricting his oesophagus and carotid arteries as his body swung back and forth. His hands fought to remove the noose out of instinct, but he managed to keep them at his side, albeit with a struggle. Shuichi's throat gurgled involuntarily, his lungs burning as they begged for air, body twitching with a fight response.

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