Chapter Twelve

975 55 24

Updated: January 7, 2022
Edited: June 28, 2023

"Bye, Hyun-ah! See you at lunch!" With a hand raised in a wave, Beomgyu ran off as soon as the bell rang, hurrying to his next period class and swerving past first-graders flooding into the halls.

After waving him off, Taehyun casually organized his stuff in his bag in no rush. His next class was just down the hall.


The boy looked up.

It was Miyung. "I didn't know you knew that upperclassman."

He chuckled, "I didn't know you didn't know. He's someone I hang out with quite often." He heaved his bag over his shoulder, walking out of the class with her. "I sit with him during lunch in the first grade building cafeteria with my other friends too."

"Wah," she exclaimed. "I'm jealous. Choi-sunbae-nim seems really nice. And smart too!"

"He is smart," Taehyun agreed. "He always says he isn't, but I think he is. He learns and picks up new skills really quickly."

"Ah," she realized, "he must have low self-esteem."

"Mn. Sad but good people are like that."


"I'm trying to help him with it, but I'm not sure if it is even working."

"You shouldn't worry too much about it, Taehyun-ah. Seeing how Choi-sunbae-nim is, I think he's strong."

"I guess so."

They approached a classroom to the right, and the boy veered off into it, waving goodbye to Miyung. "See you later in language."

"Bye! Good luck on your exam!"

Facing the inside of the classroom, he sighed, making his way to his desk towards the center of the classroom. He could hardly care about his exam right now. Physics was one of his stronger subjects (all of his classes were his 'stronger' subjects), so he didn't have to worry about whether or not he was going to fail. His mind was completely filled with thoughts of Beomgyu.

Taehyun was worried for him, well, he always was.

As Miyung mentioned, Beomgyu had really low self-esteem, much lower than anyone Taehyun's ever met. Beomgyu never seemed proud of himself and never thought of himself as good or great at something. He always blamed himself for all of his wrongs and mistakes, beating himself up for days, which Taehyun and the rest of their friends always did their best to change. And, it seemed to be working, but Taehyun can't seem to shake away the thought that the older was still degrading himself.


"Hm?" He looked up and met face-to-face with one of his male classmates, Ji Joongheo.

The other leaned onto Taehyun's desk and whispered, "I heard you went on a date with Su Miyung."

He raised a brow, confused at the sudden mention. "What?"

Joongheo backed up, speaking in his normal tone, "did you or did you not?" He didn't give off a threatening demeanor, just seemed kind of curious and maybe a little heartbroken.

"Who did you hear this from?"

His classmate shrugged, "I just heard from someone that they saw you and Miyung at the movie theater last night." He frowned, "it wasn't Miyung. She never said anything to me about any movie or date."

"Oh. I see." He reached into his backpack for the needed materials for the test. "I didn't go on a date with her."

Joongheo's body relaxed visibly as he sat down in the chair in front of Taehyun. "Thank God. You really didn't?" He gazed up at Taehyun for reassurance, who only laughed.

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