Chapter Sixteen

849 52 21

Updated: February 4, 2022
Edited: June 28, 2023

 "Hyung, here's your jacket back," said Beomgyu, holding the gray sweatshirt jacket to Yeonjun.

The five of them had long spread out a picnic blanket on the ground and unloaded everything from the small golf cart out onto the blanket. There were a lot of things; at least half of the blanket was covered in bags and boxes. Beomgyu didn't understand how they were able to stack all of that onto the one golf cart.

Yeonjun took one glance at the jacket and returned to unzipping the tent, which he dragged over to an empty space for assembling. "That's not mine, Gyu."

It's not? Beomgyu held the jacket awkwardly in the air. It wasn't Yeonjun's? Wasn't Yeonjun the one he was sleeping against? If it wasn't his, whose was it? Soobin's? Kai's? Tae-Taehyun's?

"It's Hyunie's."

"W-what?" He sputtered aloud, a gentle blush redding his cheekbones. T-Taehyun's? He was sleeping with Taehyun's article of clothing? H-how? When? Wasn't Taehyun sitting in the row in front of him? Beomgyu could've borrowed Yeonjun's or even Soobin's—the two oldest ones were always lending their clothing to the younger ones.

The third-grader looked up at Beomgyu, confused by his reaction. "What's wrong?"

Beomgyu blinked himself awake. "Ha... it's nothing. I just thought it was Hyungie's because I was sleeping on your shoulder."

"Ah... I see," he replied as he unzipped and pulled the tent out of its cover. He then pointed a finger at the silver-haired first-grader, who was just dragging another tent just near Yeonjun's, slightly out of earshot. "Hyun's right there. Maybe you could help him once you return his jacket."

"Mn..." Beomgyu gazed over at the younger, who began to take the tent out.

Taehyun seemed fine where he was, crouched and carefully reading the instructions that fell out of the cover with the many pieces. He didn't even seem like he needed help because almost immediately the boy began to assemble the tent's pieces together all by himself.

It wasn't until Beomgyu walked over that Taehyun started choking in his assembly; he struggled to put two rods together.

"Taehyun-ah," Beomgyu began.

"Hm?" The silver-haired boy fluttered his gaze away from the rods in his hands to the second-grader standing above him. That's when he noticed the gray jacket gently draped over Beomgyu's arm.

"Here," Beomgyu held the jacket to him, "thanks for letting me borrow i-it." He suddenly cleared his throat, hiding the stutter which he accidentally let out. Lucky for him, the blush on his face was invisible in the orange-purple light from the fading sun.

"Oh," Taehyun dropped the rods and stood up, taking the jacket from him with a gentle smile on his face. "If you need it again, I could always lend it to you."

"Haha... thanks, but I probably won't need it again." He scratched the back of his neck with a hand.

"Well... was it comfortable?" Taehyun asked as he swung it over his shoulder like a towel before returning to assemble the parts.

Not going to lie, Beomgyu could imagine the built muscle under all of his clothes just from that quick action, and he swore he would faint if the real thing suddenly just-

"Hyung?" The younger raised a brow at him.

"Oh, sorry. I was just zoning out," he chuckled, crouching down to help the younger. "But, yeah, it was really nice. I'm thinking about buying something similar once we get back." He took a moment to watch how Taehyun was assembling the rods before picking up some and doing the same.

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