Extra Four

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Taewon's Proposal Part 4
Beach Day
Updated: January 12, 2024

The next day, the weather was just as blazingly hot as when they arrived the day before, maybe possibly even hotter. It was sweltering, the perfect weather to be spending the day in the cool summer waters.

With a camera in the palm of his hands, Beomgyu decided that he didn't want to join his friends in the water despite his rashguard being soaked and stuck against the skin on his back. Rather, while soaked in his own sweat, his face was pressed firmly against the camera, one eye closed as the other gazed into the viewfinder. He zoomed his camera onto Yeonjun, and beautifully caught the moment of the older, smiling beamingly while water splattered from his wet hair. Then, he got one of Soobin who was bent over at the waist, a gummy smile on his face with water also dripping from his hair. Of course, one couldn't forget the youngest of them, where he was caught flinching at a large splash of water, giggling as its coolness hit him straight on.

These photos were absolutely beautiful works of art, even Beomgyu couldn't help but take a step back and admire the handful of photos he had taken of his friends in the last few minutes, a proud smile planted on his face.


So focused on his work, Beomgyu didn't recognize the voice and simply responded with, "hm?" His gaze pinned to the small screen on his camera, scrolling through photo after photo. "What is it?"

To his surprise, the answer he received was a pair of bold hands that made their way around his small waist until they met across his lower abdomen. "You're not going to play too?"

That was when Beomgyu finally processed who the voice belonged to, his face turning as red as the fruit he hated the most, tomatoes. He was wondering where Taehyun was when he was taking photos, but didn't at all expect him to just now come out of the house and surprise him like this.

Taehyun placed his chin on Beomgyu's shoulder, finally enveloping him into a true backhug. "Are you our professional photographer?" He peeked at some of the photos, a smile on his face. He had always known that Beomgyu was an exceptional photographer—he had seen the photos the older had taken from his phone—but seeing it on a more professional camera, Taehyun, to say the least, was shocked by the quality.

"Why aren't you out there with them?" Beomgyu asked instead.

"I was just in the bathroom. Why aren't you with them?" Taehyun never once released the older from his hold despite it starting to feel kind of hot where they were making contact.

"I wanted to test out my new camera," was Beomgyu's response, face just as red as it was a moment ago.

"If you're taking photos of others, who's gonna take a photo of you?"


With a light chuckle, Taehyun took the camera from Beomgyu's hands, and without separating them once, he turned the camera around so the lens was pointing back at them. He held the camera but into the sky as he said, "Hyung, smile," before snapping a photo.

Then, just as they were about to take a glance at the image, Yeonjun, out of the blue, stole the camera from their hands, snapping his own selfie before placing it on a beach chair that sat in the shade. "Stop taking selfies and come. I feel hot just looking at you two." Then, as if he didn't just commit theft, decided he wanted to commit kidnapping as well and grasped Beomgyu's wrist and pulled him towards the water, which in turn also dragged along Taehyun who didn't once loosen his hold on Beomgyu.

"We weren't just taking selfies," Beomgyu defended, "I was also-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We can take more pictures later when the sun is up higher. Right now, just into the water. You're like drenched in sweat."

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