Chapter 4

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Yoona monitored over Haru's shoot when her phone ranged in between. She excused herself from the crowd to take the call.

[Oh! What's it, Kook?]

[Noona, I needed help]

[I'm all ears]

[What are you
guys having for lunch?]

[I don't know, probably
bean sprouts and some

[Can you please change
it to quinoa cucumber
salad and cent per cent
orange juice?]

[That's not under
my jurisdiction.]

[Don't worry, I'll
sponsor. Or should I
send a food truck?]

[A food truck sounds
good. You can also have
your publici-]

[No no no, this should
not be out that I have
sent it. Please Noona]

[Huh? Why?]

[Please, I ask this of you.]

[Oh I sense some
couple quarrels. Haha.
I'll do it don't worry.]

[Thank you so much. I'll
make sure to treat you

[Haha no need bye]



"Look! There he goes again," Tae hissed pointing at Jungkook, who was sleeping on the couch in sitting posture.

"He can just sleep anywhere!" Jin mocked.

"I've taught him well," Suga smirked as he sat beside sleeping Jungkook, hand-folded on his chest and head hung back, ready to sleep.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Namjoon called as he entered the practice studio.

"Ahh Hyung, it's no time to sleep, palli ireona!" He took him by his hand but the close distance between the two sleeping people, made him take the wrong hand.

He pulled him towards the production room, without once looking whom he was making to follow.

"Look Hyung, how to draft this?" He pointed on the screen and then on getting no reply he turned back. His grip loosened and his lips parted, his eyes soon became sharp and dark, "I didn't mean to disturb you. You may leave."

"H-Hyung... I'm sorry." The youngest mumbled.

"Jungkook, I have no time to deal with you. Can you please leave?" He rubbed his temple.

"Hyung listen to me for once, just once, I insist."

"Can't you listen? I said Get Out!" The leader yelled at the top of his lungs making the rest gather around the cabin except for Suga who was still in his beauty sleep and Jimin who didn't bother.

"What's happening here?" Jin questioned.

Namjoon moved out of the cabin without an answer, once brushing his shoulder with Jungkook.

"Hey Jk, everything alright?" Hobi questioned. The maknae nodded and isolated himself in a separate room, locking himself from the inside. He sat on the chair, warm liquid streaming down his face.

"I'm broke Haru, please save me," he whispered, laying his head down on the table.


Haru entered the boys' locker room, trying to find Jimin, her best friend.

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