Chapter 11

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He knocked once before entering her room. She was sitting on the chair, her watery eyes glued to the desktop screen on the table.

"Are you crying?" He asked almost desperately and measured his way towards her, peeping to what she was watching.

Me Before You.

He nodded in understanding.

"Actually, Jimin Hyung sent this," he lied, lifting the box in his hands. A box of skincare products as he knew being an actress, how much she is particular about her skincare and the effects pregnancy can have on the skin.

She nodded and he kept the box on the table

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She nodded and he kept the box on the table.

"Uh... Um..." He hesitated. She arched a brow towards him gesturing him to continue.

"Since the first month ends and the second trimester begins, we need to visit the doctor once," he said in a breath and watching her nod pacified his heart and he hurried out.

The last thing he heard was her mumbling, "Chim is the best!" A broad smile stretched on his face, delighted that she liked it.


"That... That's my baby?" She asked, her eyes glistening like stars on a cloudy night, the ultrasound reports in her hand.

"Yes Mrs Haru," the gynaecologist said with a smile.

She looked up to meet her welcoming eyes and flashed a beautiful smile. His eyes focused on the mirth lines that formed beside her eyes as she smiled, his own lips replicating her expression.

The doctor ran some basic tests and informed the couple about the symptoms and when to be worried.

She was still holding the reports, her eyes never leaving the small figure. They sat in the car, and he ignited the engine, happy that everything went fine.

They were midway when she patted on his thigh, her eyes squeezed and her other hand gripping on the seatbelt. "S-stop the car," she said barely as a whisper.

He was quick to do the same, parking in the side lane.

"What happened? Are you fine?"

She didn't answer, rather, unbuckled her seatbelt and moved out of the car, gasping for breath. He too moved out, examining her up and down. Once again opening the car door, he drew out a water bottle and handed her which she took without any if-buts and chucked down in unequal segments.

Something made a sick noise in her throat. Her eyes were dull. Her hands went to her mouth; she choked, shut her eyes, bent, and a thick rush of fluid filled her mouth, spilt out, fell to splash on the tiles, covering the designs.

She was breathing heavily, her eyes brimming with tears and her body felt numb and exhausted but more than that, she was dumbfounded at being this way.

"Shit!" She cursed; being a celebrity brings a lot of burden.

"It's okay," he assured, "here, drink some water," he handed her the bottle again.

She leaned to the car bonnet and took the bottle, washing her face. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and tried to clean her face which was now wet. But, before he could, she backed off.

"What are you trying to do?"

"J-just... helping you," he fumbled on his words.

"I don't need your help," she passed emotionlessly; took out a handkerchief from her jeans pockets wiped off her face and went on to take the passenger seat while he stood there befuddled.

He sighed heavily before getting himself composed to drive again. He opened the sunroof and drew down the windows so that she doesn't feel suffocated while she refused to have any eye contact with him, somewhere embarrassed.

They reached their home and as always she just went in mutely. His eyes laid on the reports that were lying carelessly on the seat. His eyes softened as he took the reports and glanced at them fondly.

His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. One could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him.

He couldn't help pecking the little white figure in the black hole that was supposed to be the baby; their baby.

"I love you and your mom the most in this world, I'll never let a flame ever touch you."


The doorbell ringed and it was still evening. He opened the door and was flabbergasted at the figure that made its presence.

"Mom?" He questioned.

"Greetings to you too, my son!" She said as she laughed at his stoned figure. She handed him her bag and walked in while he still was standing at the entrance.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you on a trip?" He asked.

"I didn't come here to look at you Jungshooked, where is my precious daughter in law?"

Hearing a distinct high pitched voice echoing in the halls intrigued Haru. She very much knew to whom it belonged. Her heart swelled at the memories and went out of her room with a jubilant smile lingering on her face.

"Eomma!" She exclaimed and went ahead to hug the elder woman.

She was close to his mother since their early dating years and found a motherly figure in her. Jungkook's mother also loved her dearly, she always wanted a daughter and Haru was the perfect daughter.

"How are you doing?" She asked as she patted her back affectionately.

"I am all good," she parted and flashed a sweet smile.

Her mom turned around to him once who was smiling like a dork, her bag in his hand, standing at the entrance.

"What are you doing there? Go and keep my stuff in the guest room," she said making the couple stupified.

"What happened to you both?" She asked with an amused smile.

"Uh... Eomma actually, I lived in the guest room."

"Huh? Why? You don't like Jungkook's room, is he refusing to remove those posters of Ronaldo?" She inquired.

Jungkook's heart was beating nervously, he accepted if Haru wanted to confront him but he was never ready to face his mother's disgusted look. He can never be ready for his mother to question the virtues she had imparted to him. But, he accepted whatever may come in his way.

"Nothing, it's just he kicks a lot while asleep and we fear that he would kick the baby before the baby could kick, so, I decided to stay in the guest room for some time," she faked a laugh.

"Kids today and their solutions! Make him sleep on the floor instead, you shouldn't be sleeping alone. What if you need him sometime?"


"Nothing! You are shifting back to his room, I mean your room too!" She interrupted her speech.

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