Chapter 8

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She sniffled, interdicting her tears from raining down on her face, gaining his attention.

"Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" He asked almost instantly.

Her head turned towards the window instead, ignoring his question. He was solicitous but was incapacitated. As they reached their house, she quickly got of the vehicle in which she was felt so suffocated.

She was quick to sequestrate herself in her room. Her quick pace caught Jimin's attention.

"What happened to her?" Jimin asked Jungkook who entered soon after.

"It will be on the news," he said as he handed his mobile phone to the silver-haired.

News: BTS's Jungkook being a protective husband to Lee Haru.

You'll fall in love with Jungkook's manly aura.

Why Jungkook almost kill a reporter?

Actress Lee Haru manhandled. Look at actresses claims on sexual abuse in the industry.

"What the fuck is this?" Jimin blurted out.

Jungkook rubbed his temple as he sat on the couch, his head hung back, exhausted.


It was night in no time. Jimin took his leave since Yoona called for him. So, it was again Jungkook, Haru and nearly a month old fetus.

He inhaled deeply, he didn't want to disturb her but it was time for dinner and he just couldn't leave her like that. He knocked once, twice, no response. His heart was beating roughly in his chest, jittery and apprehensive. He gave a final knock before barging in. When he saw her lying peacefully on her bed, he felt alleviated.

He kept the plate in his hand on the table as he went to her without consent. He knelt on the floor, his lips bore the semblance of a smile, as he took in all her features. So alluring and so beautiful. Breathing in her scent, he felt delighted only at the fact that he was sharing the same air she was breathing in.

Knowing that he cannot stay by her for longer, he felt disdain as he got up and turned back but a warm grip on his ring finger halted him. His eyes widened, he gulped fearing that she might have woken up.

He turned back cautiously, to his dement and absolute relief, she was still asleep. Just holding his finger in a soft grip. His smile flashed a thousand lights and he sat back in his initial position, kneeling on the floor, his ring finger in her hands. He could not help but smile, trying hard not to create any sound.

All of a sudden, her grip tightened on the finger. Her eyes squeezed and her jaw clenched. He was appalled and his concentration was fixed on her changing composure. Her other hand gripped the white bed sheet as sweat formed on her forehead.

"No!" She passed, in a terrified voice. He was so baffled that he couldn't reason out what he should be doing- he cannot wake her up or she'll know his presence and that can be more dangerous but he cannot let her alone in this state. He was petrified and uncertain of any solution.

"Please..." She pleaded with gritted teeth, her breathing matched the pace of his, heavy and terrified.

"J- Jungkook. Stop. Please..." She continued. His heart broke into a thousand pieces. She was having a nightmare, not to mention him being the demon of her slumber.

He took a deep shuddering breath and passed in a euphonious tone.

"I keep telling the stars my feels,
Now even they are waiting for you
Now that they know the stories they'll watch you slowly,
Now Even they envy your starlight...," he sang eloquently. Her movements became still and her grip softened.

"I don't believe in star crossed lovers,
But there's something about us.
The way we fall into one another.
so naturally like our love
was carved out of the earth;
The way we... fall into... one another."

He continued in his dulcet voice noticing its effect; her breathing became steady and pacified and her jaw relaxed at his mellifluous voice.

"Star systems are bursting at...
our fingertips when we touch...
Our hearts croon the same old song again.
The universe planned for us.
I know it. i-it was so obvious,
Our hearts croon the same old song ag-ain," his voice cracked, as tears stained his gorgeous face. She was now composed and no longer holding onto his finger.

He got up, wiping his tears. Covering her with the blanket and then taking his leave. He closed the door behind him and leaned his back to it. His hand clutched onto his chest that was aching.


"I wanted it to be an official song," he frowned, his head hung low as he sat on the couch with a stiff figure.

"It doesn't matter to me, Kook," Haru said with a bright smile as she replayed the song. She was practically kneeling on the couch itself in exuberance, a remote in her hands.

He breathed out, "Only if I would have tried harder and completed it in time! It was my birthday present to you! I am such a failure."

"Oh oh wait for a second, that's my favourite part," she delightedly passed, increasing the volume.

"You are not even listening to me," he decried.

She paused the song, "how? I am actually listening to you," she smiled and moved on her knees, reching him to cup his cheeks in her small palms while he was still frowning.

"Look at me," she mumbled. Her eyes that were blue like the mid-winter sky with the sweetest caramel threads, when met with his coffee-brown ones, they created such a euphoric beauty. Coffee on a winter morning. How idyllic.

"This is the best present I had ever received. The best!"

"But Jimin Hyung gifted you the limited edition album of Mamamoo. That's your favourite band and you wanted it since forever!" He sulked, she could not but chuckle at his cuteness.

She got off the couch and picked up the pen drive, in which he saved his half composed song, "This right here is priceless-"

"But the album-"

"This is our thing, Kook. I love you so much for this, I cannot tell you how much, I love you in words I have never loved anyone before. Maybe, this is destined for us to complete? I'll write ahead of it and then this is officially 'our' thing!"

He flashed his cute bunny smile at her sentence, "you will?"

"If you allow, it's your song obviously-"

"It's our song, it's our thing," he passed with a proud smile plastered on his face. She raced to embrace him, and he merrily accepted it.

"Thank you, Kook, I am so so grateful for this. This will remind me of our love always and forever."


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