Chapter 26

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"Is Chim coming?" Haru asked Yoona when they were standing in the garden of Mia's house.

"I don't know. He was very angry," Yoona responded, her expression caught between a pout and a scowl as she sat on the bench, her right leg crossed over her left.

"Unnie can I pay a visit to Sr Marilyn? It's been a long time since I met her and I kind of miss that place," she asked.

"Obviously you may, the funeral is tomorrow. But Haru..."


She got up, "Do you think you can forgive Mia?"

Haru went silent. No, she cannot just forgive the person who contributed to her miserable state. She cannot just forget that she was a reason that their relationship was a mess. She cannot just forget that she tried to force Jungkook to have a sexual relationship with her- much because she knew what being raped felt like.

She placed a hand on the younger's shoulder, "I know she did wrong. She did a sin. But, fortunately, nothing happened. She is hurting too Haru. And besides, she was drunk-"

"Stop it!" A male voice ringed in their ears. They unanimously looked towards Jimin as he approached them with an agitated countenance.

"Don't force her into anything Yoona!" He demanded.

"I wasn't forcing-"

"Yeah, you were probably guilt-tripping her, that's so immature," he cut her speech.

"Jimin, we all know who is the most mature person here," she countered. And as everyone knew, she was indeed the most mature person in their group.

"If you're that mature, don't pressurize someone when you don't know shit!" He almost yelled through his gritted teeth. He wasn't angry with her, but he absolutely despised that his best friend was being forced to do something, maybe even an angel can't.

Forgiveness is divinity. It's never simple.

"Chim!" Haru interjected in a cautionary tone.

Yoona slightly bit her inner cheek. She turned her head towards Haru and added, "Sorry Haru," and left in a haste, probably blinking her tears away.

"No Unnie, wait... Jimin, what was that?" She angrily questioned Jimin.

The silver-haired was unbothered, in his spectrum, he did nothing wrong. That's what happens when a person is angry, they lose track of their words and the sense to understand their consequences. But...

You are always responsible for your words, no matter how you feel.

"Chim, she doesn't know. And you think she would be expecting us to conceal such a fact from her? And the tone you used, she's your girlfriend Jimin! She didn't deserve that."

Guilt struck him but he remained poised, "I- I did nothing wrong."

Haru inhaled deeply, "you did and you know it. We are staying in the hotel nearby, hope she is there. I think I don't have to tell you what you have to do."

Jimin looked towards her, reading her completely serious experience and it didn't take him long to understand. He nodded lightly.

Haru smiled, "You got it!"

"You'll be alone then..."

"I'm going to the orphanage."

"Oh. You want me to drop you?"

"Just go to Yoona Unnie, don't stall time, idiot!"

He nodded and rushed in Yoona's direction.


Nine MonthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora