Chapter 24

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He gripped the steering wheel as he was accelerating at a dangerously high speed. His cranial nerve protuding out of his forehead trying to contain the pressure by great sedulity.

The scene of that night when he asked for Mia's help flashed in his brain as he yelled in agony and accelerated even more.

His heavy breathing and disturbed mindset gave him no calm, he accused Mia of approximately every wrong that was happening in his life till Namjoon's words flashed in his brain.

"Does your being sorry or your not being in senses make any difference to her condition? Maybe the law doesn't take it as a crime but does it provide any relief to the aggrieved? Can you measure the pain she would be going through being raped by the only person she thought will be by her?"

He lowered his car speed, parking it to the side. His hands were still on the steering wheel as he buried his head in the wheel itself. His tears broke free, he knew nothing he could do. Maybe it wasn't entirely his fault, but he wasn't completely innocent either.

The scenes of his love struggling through each day of life, without any imminent happiness made him feel so guilty, so hurt. His one hand clutched his heart that was paining immensely. His voice broke into a series of gut wrenching sobs and he knew there was no one who would hear them. His mouth opened, he wailed, he yelled, he tried his best to stop crying but he just couldn't.

Suddenly the thought of where Haru was seeped into his brain. He was quick to compose himself, wiping his face and then ignited the engine again towards their home.

His movements were quick. As he parked his car, he rushed towards the entrance and as soon as he stepped in the house, a pained whimper echoed the walls. His breathing hitched listening to her voice, he ran towards the sound coming from the guest room, plunging himself without permission in a disheveled state.

He entered with such a speed that he almost fell at the entrance. She was sitting on the bedside, her feet haging down.

"What... What happened? Are you fine?" He asked instantly.

An unexpected smile lingered on her face, joys were dancing on her countenance as she responded, "I think the baby just kicked."

All worries the world heaved upon him as if flew in the air. His face itself decorated with a welcoming smile as he crouched himself on the floor to reach the height of her baby bump.

He was about to place his hands on her tummy but stopped abruptly, knowing, he wasn't supposed to touch her.

But that didn't made his joy any less as his face was glowing in the euphoria.

His hands started to retreat back till she held his wrists to place them on her baby.

His jaw dropped, looking up at her whose glance was fixed at his hands touching her clothed self.

"Oh oh... It did it again," he exclaimed in joy, placing his ear on it, willing to hear from his baby.

"Aww it's kicking. It's moving Haru. It's real," he ranted making her giggle.

"Of course it is real Koo-" she stopped realising that she used the nickname instead of his name.

He was struck, his heart beating loudly in his chest looking at her with bright big eyes.

"Leave me," she said lowly.


"Are you gonna hold me forever?" She questioned.

He looked at his hands on her and he quickly retreated them, "S- Sorry," he stuttered.

"It's okay," she said looking away.


As a daily routine, he sneaked into her room only to find her awake, sitting on the bed watching something and laughing. The abrupt sounds gained her attention.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Uh... Um... Nothing. W-was just... Um..." He fumbled and stuttered. She tilted her head in confusion and furrowed her brows.

"S-sorry I should leave," he said and quickly moved out. As he closed the door behind him, he could hear his heartbeat oddly beating. His face was all red and warm in apprehension. He could hear her laughing behind the door and the sounds curved his lips upwards. He loved that symphony, he was imagining her scrunching her nose and covering her mouth while laughing.


"Hey, you wanna see something beautiful?" Jungkook asked Haru when they were sitting on the school's rooftop, bunking classes and staring at the sun setting.

"Sure," she excitedly said.

He pulled out his phone, opening the front camera and flashing it to her. She blushed furiously at the moment, looking away.

"Why why why? Are you shy? Look at me, my love," he teased.

"Can you ever stop?" She asked, still looking away.

"If you ever stop to be this adoringly beautiful."

"Gosh. You're a flirt Jeon Jungkook!"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "You wanna see something beautiful too?" She asked.

"I am seeing it," he answered, sinking in the oceans of her eyes.

She pushed him a little by his arm, "I too have something beautiful, you wanna see?"

"You surely have something beautiful," he smirked.

Her eyes widened at his context. "I am going Kook. Do whatever you want!"

She started to get up but he pulled her back down by her wrist.

"Sorry sorry I won't. And if you go back now, you'll be caught. Show me what you found beautiful."

She sat back down, pulling out her phone from her blazer's pocket. Jungkook somewhat anticipated what she was doing and laughed internally at her naivety.

She flashed her phone screen to him and it was not what he expected. A HD picture of Jin.

"You bitch!" He cursed, making her laugh loudly. Her nose scrunched and her eyes squinted in the act. She placed a hand over her mouth, laughing out loud jubilantly.

"Stop laughing!" He insisted but by this time she was laughing uncontrollably. "At least don't hide your face from me-"

"No. Hide it from me," an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind them. Both of them turned back towards the voice looking at their homeroom teacher standing in an agitated mood.

"Detention for you both!" He yelled. The teacher turned around to return. The couple looked at each other once, and then bursting out laughing and rolling on the ground.


He sat down on the floor beside the door, waiting for her to fall asleep but before she could, his eyelids felt heavy and drowsiness overtook his senses. He slept there on the cold floor, hugging his knees for warmth.

She stretched herself after watching the fourth episode of Friends. She decided to walk a little before sleeping but as soon as she opened the door, she saw him lying on the floor. His knees as close as they can be to his chest.

She bit her bottom lip, she knew that he might not be at fault. But, it was a fact that he was still the monster of her nightmares. She contemplated for a while and then rushed inside bringing a blanket and a pillow.

She lifted his head lightly to place it on the pillow and covered him in the soft blanket. His stiffness eased on sensing the warmth.

Being so close to him, she noticed his swollen eyes and the dark circles beneath it. Exhaust painted his sunkissed face pallid and desolate.

She gulped at his presence and then quickly went in her room. Sorry Jungkook. I cannot help it, I feel uncomfortable around you. I'm sorry.

But she knew she wasn't sleeping tonight, she opened her dekstop screen again, going through the web.


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