Chapter 13

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"You furnished the entire room in a matter of hours?" Mrs Jeon passed as she admired his room which was now completely transformed.

The earlier dark themed room was converted into a very bright one which reflected positivity. The colour theme being turquoise blue and white radiating calm and healing. Not to mention, turquoise blue was her favourite colour.

The orientation of the bed was changed, the tables that were a shade of dark brown were now creme. The room bore no resemblance with the prior one.

"What do you say, sweetheart," she asked Haru while the latter was taking in the warmth and evocation the colour provided.

"What do you say, sweetheart," she asked Haru while the latter was taking in the warmth and evocation the colour provided

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"It's beautiful," she fumbled, instigating a satisfied smile erupting on his face.


"Hey, how- what are you doing on the floor?" He gasped as he entered the room while Haru laid on the carpet, her front pressing down looking at him with an emotionless face.

"Hey, I just wanted to inform you that I just ate an m&m I found on the carpet and I might die," she said, her left cheek pressed on the carpet, making it look flat.

"What!? Why would you do that?" He asked, concerned while kneeling to her.

"It was just sitting there and mocking me like 'hah you can't eat me I'm on the floor!"

"Do you have any idea how old it was?" He asked, his eyes widened in apprehension and a pinch of amusement.


"I haven't had m&m in months!!"

"It tasted like laundry," she sighed.

"Why are you like this!!!???"

"You don't have to complain, I am about to die anyway, the blue colour had also faded into turquoise."

"And how is that related?" He arched a brow making her all composed as she sat up on the floor with shining eyes, "turquoise blue is my favourite colour!"

"And I had to know this by this weird way?"

"I know I am awesome!" She blinked with a broad smile.

"You are a crackhead!"

"EOMMA!!! KOOK IS MOCKING ME!" She yelled at the top of his lungs.

"You brat! You are just like your father. Wait till I thrust some sense into you! Haru came to meet you and this is how you behave?" His mom yelled back from the first floor.

She smirked while he shook his head in frustration.



She woke up from the worst nightmare she ever had that haunted her even after getting back in her senses.

Her trembling hands reached for the glass of water. But before she could have a sip, her grip faltered making it fall on the hard floor, shattering it in pieces. Fortunately, he was sleeping on the other side of the bed, on the floor. The cacophony disrupted his slumber, he sat up, his eyes squinted. He directed his gaze towards the source of the sound and his eyes met her petrified ones.

She hollered, her vocal cords producing a quavering plea, "Help!" Throwing the blankets from over her to the side, she got up, not once caring of the glass pieces that pierced her foot.

He stood up as a result, nonpulsed. "Calm down, no one is doing anything to you," he said in a cautiously sonorous voice, gradually taking baby steps towards her but she took alternate steps backwards till her back was pressed against the white walls. Her senses were numbed in trepidation and she could hear none of the soothing words he was chanting.

"You're so beautifully hot, I cannot control myself."

"Get off me. GET OFF ME!!" She yelled in desperation, her hands clutching onto her ears with a wild force. Her eyes reflected despair and her entire frame was shivering like a dried autumn leaf on the verge to fall off the branch.

He was standing far away, "Haru, look, I am not doing anything," he tried to maintain his calm, but his own fear and melancholy raged a full sort war on his vocals, making it guttural.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy to be with me? Wipe off your tears. Now."

"Please I am begging you," she crumbled on the ground, collected in the corner, hugging her knees. Her lips quivered as she looked around for anything. Her face was dampened with sweat and tears and the floor was smeared with her blood.

He opened the door, yelling for his mom, not leaving the room, scared if she would do something reckless. She mumbled countless, incoherent requests. His tears broke free, her condition was unbearable to him.

"Eomma," he cried, louder than he ever had. His desperate yells were finally responded to when he saw his mother's frame rushing towards their room. He opened the door for her to enter.

She was appalled by her deplorable condition. She gasped as she ran to her rescue, embracing her.

Haru had lost her sense of reasoning, everything and everyone around her seemed to be Jungkook. She struggled trying to get off her grip, "leave me, don't touch me," she warned.

"My child, calm down," the elder fought her desperate attempts to get free of her hold and held her in her arms. "Shh... Calm down," she said, placing Haru's head on her chest and patting it.

Gradually, she became unagitated. Her body was exhausted and deadened. She was breathing heavily by her mouth to satiate the deficiency, lying motionless in her mother's arms. Her mother wiped off the sweat on her face with the cuff of her sleeves and caressed her hair till she fell asleep owing to the enfeeblement.

She gestured for Jungkook to take charge and he did the same. He took nervous steps, constantly sniffling. His vision was hazy due to the tears that were rimming his eyes.

He placed a hand under her legs and another behind her back to pick her up effortlessly and placed her gently on the mattress as if she were a delicate flower.

"Go bring the first aid," his mother demanded and he complied.


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