Chapter 15

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"That's so tasty," Haru complimented as she placed the empty glass on the table as an epitome of victory.

"You like strawberry, don't you?" Her mother smiled.

"Yes. But I never found any milk powder as tasty as this. From where did you get this?"

"Uh... I got it from my old town," she lied on Jungkook's say who got it from Jin. He indeed knows her so well.


"Did you just eat my strawberries that I had brought in my lunch?" She stormed into the cafeteria in an agitated mood.

"I was hungry," Jimin replied nonchalantly.

"And I am not? You'll pay for it, Chim! May the chocolate chips in your cookies always turn out to be raisins."

"That's sooooo rude! May every sock you wear be slightly rotated, just enough for it to be uncomfortable!" He countered.

"Oh so, may your mother come to talk to you, and then leave your door slightly ajar, so that you have to get up and close it." By this time they had already gained everyone's attention but they never cared. Their group was the boisterous cool group of the school everyone admired.

Comprising of Jimin, Jungkook, Haru, Yoona and Mia.

"May your article load that extra little bit as you're about to click a link so you click an ad instead!" He snarled.

"You are so cruel! May you forever feel your phone vibrating in the pocket."

"They were just strawberries. What will you do? Kill me?"


Jungkook stood panting on the gate, indicating that he came running, "You better run Hyung before I kill you," he warned.

She smirked, "I won't, he will."



The next couple of weeks she slept at peace. She reasoned the jogging sessions behind the miracle, little did she know the lullabies he sang each night; sitting on the floor by the bedside, she didn't know how many nascent songs took birth there.

"Haru, I found this in the bathroom of the guest room." Her mother came in, a bottle of body wash in her hands.

Haru was casually sitting on the chair, writing something. She was in a better mood due to complete sleep, lack of loneliness since her mother came and also a nutritional diet but nausea and weird food cravings resided.

She looked back towards the newcomer and glanced at the bottle in her hands.

"Oh yes, Chim gifted it," she smiled.

"I see, the smell is great by the way."

"Yeah, that's my favourite brand and my favourite skincare product ever. The smell isn't harsh rather soothing, it matches my taste," she gleefully responded.

As her mother placed it on the tabletop and looked at her, a bit astonished, "Wow, you seem to be close friends. He even knows your favourite body wash. Why don't you invite him over? I haven't met my baby mochi for a time now."

The smile on her face dropped, she nodded once gaining a smile from the elder as she left her with a painfully intriguing question. Jimin didn't know these details. The only person who knew was - Jungkook.

She sighed deeply as she glanced at the bottle standing cluelessly on the table. She picked out her phone and decided to ask Jimin directly.


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