𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐥 (𝟐)

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The Doc opened the cooling tunnels latch, gesturing for Mrs

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The Doc opened the cooling tunnels latch, gesturing for Mrs. Moore and Cass to go in first, before following after them.

"it's freezing in here," the older woman remarked, rubbing her arms slightly.

Cass chuckled, her hand immediately finding the Doc's and holding on tightly as he asked, "Any sign of a light switch?"

At that, the redhead snorted, shooting him a deadpanned look as she dryly repeated, "A light switch? In a cooling tunnel? Light switch, really honey?"

He simply shrugged in return. Stranger things have happened after all.

Mrs. Moore shook her head, "Can't see a thing...but I've got these," she rifled around in her bag, before handing the man a headlight, "A device for every occasion..."

"Ooh," he beamed.

"That bag's like your pockets," his tether remarked jokingly, "It's got everything a person could need in desperate times."

"Put it on," the older woman said, before pulling another out and placing it on her own head.

"Haven't got a hotdog in there, have you? I'm starving."

Both women laughed, Cass' breath hitting his face in small bursts as she chuckled, "Of al foods, you had to go for the fake, not-even-sort-of-real one? It's the Cybermen of things to eat!"

"But it's tasty," he pouted, grin growing when he felt, more than saw her smile.

Something large was placed in Cass' hands, Mrs. Moore explaining, "A proper torch," since she'd run out of headlights.

"Thank you," the redhead breathed, before lighting it, knowing exactly what it would land on.

The memories seemed to be hitting quicker, no longer inducing a nose bleed unless she actively tried to pull them through.

But they still hurt. Which is why she'd flinched slightly as she'd lit the hundreds of Cybermen lined up along the walls.

Normally, the Doctor would have interpreted that move as fear, but he could feel her. He knew she wasn't afraid, but rather anticipatory. So the flinch was one of pain. Regardless though, he quickly explained, "Already converted, just paralyzed."

"Come on," he continued, leading them down the tunnel, his grip tightening around his tether's hand, "Let's go slowly. Keep an eye out for trip systems."

Later, as they'd continued walking, now in a single file line, the Doctor asked Mrs. Moore curiously, "How did your get into this, then?"

"Oh," the woman sighed, "I used to be ordinary."

"Oh, i doubt that." Cass commented casually, nodding when she received a smile in turn.

"Worked at Cybus Industries. '95. 'Til one day, I find something I'm not supposed to. A file on the mainframe. All I did was read it. Then suddenly, I've got men with guns knocking in the middle of the night. Life on the run. Then I found the Preachers. They needed a techy, so I... I just sat down and taught myself everything."

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