Chapter 2

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**** Sheriff Kyle Blanton slapped handcuffs onto the disorderly drunken individual and pulled him back onto his feet.

"All right, Charles! You can sleep it off at the station." He smiled at the Great Dane, "Buena niña, Pandora."
(Good girl, Pandora.)

Charles, one of his father's hired hands slurred every word as he spoke. "Nowww... Kyle. What woulllld your pa sssay... to throwwwin' one of hissss handssss in the caaan?"

Kyle grinned, "My father has rules about drinkin', Charlie. Ya know this. He gave you a final warning last month."

Kyle helped him into the squad car, shut the door. "Dad's just going to love this one!" He muttered to himself.

Spence grinned. "Hey, bro. I worked for your old man a while. I remember all his rules. That one in particular."

Kyle nodded. "Yeah, well I'd better get him booked then head for the ranch. Dad will want this one in person, besides... Drina'll kill me if I skip out on the family dinner tonight."

Spence grinned, "I'll see ya at home then. Bring me back some of Beau's famous peach cobbler."

Kyle nodded, "Always, give Sally my love."

"Will do." Spence shut the car door and smiled as he watched his best friend drive back to the station. He shook his head regretfully. It would be a sad day when Kyle moved out of the guest room, but with Sally due in two months time...


Alex opened the door just as Kyle was about to knock. The boy had grown, he was nearly as tall as Kyle himself now.

"Kyle!" The seventeen year old slapped his older brother on the shoulder and pulled him inside.

Pan, who knew she was always welcome pranced right past the young man, and went in search of the fireplace. She shook her massive head as her friend Hope plopped down beside her.

The Timber Wolf just gave her a large doggy grin, as they lay there side by side.

'Now. Tell me how my pup is doing.'

Pandora simply let out a loud K-9 sigh, 'He is strong for a two leg, but even he has his limits.'

Alex beamed, "Mom and dad are in the kitchen waitin' for ya. Kaylee and Rex are with Ava in the studio, and Brittany and Carlyn are out in the garden."

Kyle beamed. "Nice to see you too, Alex. How's the new filly comin' along?"

Alex sighed, "I can't get her to take the bottle. If her ma had lived it wouldn't be a problem, but..."

Kyle nodded and removed his heavy fall coat. While others referred to him as a horse trainer, he preferred to call himself a horse gentler. He never trained a horse - he gentled them. His horse partner - Major, was one of his best friends. Kyle had a rare gift with animals, but preferred to keep that knowledge to himself and the ranch personnel.

"Hmmmm. Have you tried honey?"

Alex shook his head. "No. What would I do with it?"

Kyle half sat on the washer in the mudroom and crossed his arms. "Well, you put it on your fingers, and let her lick it off. Do this a few times then put the honey on the nipple of the bottle."

He grinned at the stunned look on his brother's face. "Simple, and it has an eighty-seven percent success rate. I've used it many times on more than just horses." He grinned, "How do you think Major and I got so close?"

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