Chapter 29

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**** Inside the cabin Brittany felt a sudden need to go to Brick, almost as if someone were pushing her out the door. As she stepped up behind both men she over heard the last of what her father had said. Tears filled her eyes and she understood why she had been led to the men.

Beau smiled as his watched his daughter walk around him to stop before Brick. Brick felt a jolt of electricity run up his arms as she took his hands in her own, and dropped to her knees.

"I was folding some laundry when I got this feeling that I had to come outside and find you guys." She said and shrugged.

Beau smiled and nodded, "The Lord works in mysterious ways," he said and squeezed the younger man's shoulder.

"I believe God led Tany here to be with us in prayer." He said and nodded to Brittany who bowed her head and began to pray aloud.

"Lord, we come before You today to give thanks, and praise. We fully understand and acknowlwdge that with Your love and guidance four individuals have been saved from a horrible experience and we humbly kneel before You with thanks. Today this brave and honorable man," she squeezed Brick's hands; "has been shown the way and has chosen to open his heart to You. We ask that You accept him in this happy hour, that You mend the tatters on his broken soul. Lead him down the path of righteousness, and protect him in times of need. He is very special to me oh, Lord. Please, guide him as he journeys forth, and I humbly ask that You always help him to find his way home once again. Amen."

Beau smiled warmly feeling such pride in his daughter.

"Amen." He said.


Kyle shook his head as he, and Rowdy both read through the files. "Most of these files are on one Russian family, or some dirty government officials."

Kyle's eyes went wide, "Oh, God."

Charity left the cot she'd been resting on, "What is it?"

He shook his head, "Brick has a file in here."

Rowdy lowered his own file and stared at his son. "What does it say?"

The Sheriff shook his head in disbelief, "He's the heir to the Ivanov family. Franko Ivanov is one of the worst mob bosses on the east coast."

He shook his head again, "Gabriel Ivanov age twenty-two betrayed his family and became an informant for the FBI. This is an old file."

Kyle closed the file and lay it on the table, "That explains a lot about him. It also explains why...."

He shook his head, "A few years back we decided to go diving while on leave and we ran into a few punk kids. You know the type, tattoos, suits, holster. Think they're incharge, because the are enforcers. They tried to make us pay a fee for the use of that beach."

Charity nodded, "Go on."

"Well, I didn't understand untill now, but Brick just stepped up and whispered something. I still don't know what, but those kids turned white as sheets. I truly thought I would have to call for some EMTS to tote them off. But, they just apologized, and left. They kept calling him Sir."

Kyle looked out the window to where Brick knelt with Beau's hand on his shoulder. Both men's heads were bowed as if in prayer, and Brittany sat before Brick gripping is hands tight, as her mouth moved.

Then it hit him. A huge grin spread across his face. Gabriel Ivanov had just been saved, and while Beau was guiding him, and supporting him. Brittany was leading him in prayer.

Kyle shook his head slowly, "I really hope what I think is happening between those to, isn't." He said aloud.

Rowdy looked over his head and chuckled, "It's just the beginning of their story, son. Brick is to honorable a man to make a move on an underage girl."

He slapped his nephew on the shoulder, "Besides telling Tany no, is like trying to stop a heard of horses with a slingshot."


As Beau was leading his daughter and Brick back he turned to see his 12 year old niece and nephews come riding up. The foursome had huge grins on their faces, and were leading a few pack ponies, loaded to the sky with packs.

Raphael, and Horatio Montague beamed with pride as they hopped off their ponie. Beau crossed his arms as he watched the boys argue over who would unpack Kyle's wheelchair.

"We brought Kyle's wheelchair from the clinic, Uncle Beau." Raph called out.

Horatio nodded, "Yep! We packed both it up and some other supplies. All by ourselves!" She said proudly. "Mom, and dad also sent some dried gator meat."

The former PBR Champ shook his head at the scene. Raph and Horatio were identical twins, and took delight in switching places as often as they could get away with. Unfortunately, (from the boys point of veiw) their parents Nico and Genny were always able to tell them apart. Beau chuckled.

Then turning to Joel, and Esther who were now unloading what looked to be dried fruits and meats. He sighed to himself knowing that Brett and Patricia would never let the twins out on their own so they must have snuck out.

"Esther, Joel. Do your parents know that you two are here?"

Esther turned and gave her uncle a sheepish smile. "Ummmm, they know we went riding with Raph and Horatio."

Beau and Brick glanced at each other with knowing smiles.

"I take it you know these runaways?" The younger man asked.

Brittany covered her mouth in an attempt not to laugh at the looks of outrage that crossed her cousins' faces.

Joel gleared up as the huge man and stepped protectively in front of his twin sister. "We are not runaways! We're Blanton's!"

Beau's grin widened as he turned away so as not to be caught smiling by the kids.

Brick on the other hand raised his hands palms out, "Begging you're pardon, Mr. And Miss Blanton. I had no idea." With that he bowed low.

Esther blushed and curtsied in return. Joel on the other hand crossed his arms trying to look as much like his father (Brett) as he could.

"Well, now you do!"

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