Chapter 39

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**** Kyle gave Charity a weak smile, and in a hoarse voice, "Hi yourself. Where's everybody?"

Rowdy answered as he worked, "Brick and that nut job cousin of his went out the door and over the rail. Beau took three guys down to make sure any fight that's left in 'em is fair. So far they haven't called for a medic. I've had to order your sister to stay up here."

The doctor chuckled, "She haf grabbed her rifle and was headed down till I stopped her. She's not too happy with me right now."

Kyle's eyebrows rose, "No, I reckon she's not. I think she's got her heart set on him, I just hope she doesn't get it broke."

"I don't believe any of us are going to have a choice in the matter gentlemen." The ER nurse said. "We'll all just have to step aside until she asks for advice - which I sincerely doubt that she will."

The two men looked at her then Kyle said, "You really think it's the real thing for her, baby? I'd hate for her to get her heart broke."

Rowdy placed a gentle hand on the Sheriff's shoulder. "Your dad and I have both been watchin' em, Kyle. I think he's as gone on her but I don't think he's gonna make a move on her yet. I think he has things to do and he realizes she's young."

Kyle growled, "I'm not sure that makes me feel any better, doc." He said as they helped him to his feet.

"How long was I out, Rowdy?"

"Too long." Charity interrupted.

Rowdy couldn't hide the grin that spread across his face. "You were out about five minutes, why?"

"It felt longer than that."

"How would you know doofus, you were unconscious." Charity snapped as she helped him steady himself.

"You may not believe this...but I...left, it felt like I was there longer than five minutes."

The nurse and doctor looked at each other. Rowdy placed a hand on Kyle's forehead. "No fever. Is your stomach upset, are you seeing double, do you feel like you're gonna hurl?"

"Blast it all, Rowdy. I don't have a concussion." And pushed the hand away.

"Then what do ya mean you left?" Charity asked.

"I'll explain later. I did get somethin' clarified though." He said looking at her.

Lost in his eyes she breathed, "Clarified what?"

"That I don't have to pretend any more."

She just stared at him as her father stepped quietly away, grinning.

"I know it's OK to admit to myself, and to you that....I love you."

Rowdy grinned as her watched he'd his daughter's eyes grow wide. Her shook as spoke, "What did you just say?"

Kyle smiled warmly, "I love you, Charity. I love both you and Mikey and I want to make you both mine." He took her hand, "I'd like to get down on one knee but I might fall on my face getting up. I love you, Charity. Will you marry me?"

Charity squeezed Kyle's hand in her own and smiled warmly at him, "Yes, I'll marry you. Under one condition, you have to stay with us. Don't leave me again."

The Sheriff grinned and started to nod his agreement but stopped when pain stabbed through his head. "I think I can do that."

Now that her brother was safe Brittany grabbed her rifle and ran from the room before Rowdy could stop her.

"Tany, don't do it!" He called after the teenager.

Charity shook her head, "It won't do any good, Daddy. You may as well let her go. This is something she has to do. Like me..." she smiled at her new fiance, "she has to help the man she loves. Besides Beau and the guys are down there, they won't let her get hurt."

Rowdy grabbed the first aide kit and rushed out of the room. "It isn't her gettin' hurt I'm worried about."


Down on the ground, Brick was in the fight of his life. He and Zloba had both landed hard on the snowman and then the ground, the wind had been knocked out of them both. Fortunately, Brick had been the first to rise to his feet, but the mobster wasn't far behind. Zloba stood before him holding his dislocated arm. Brick had also been injured in the fall. He could feel the stab of pain with each breath he took.

'Must have broken a rib or two when we went over the balcony.'

Zloba smiled cooly at his cousin took hold of the trellis with his dislocated arm and pulled sharply, "You're not the only one with training, little cousin. Uncle sent me away after you left the family. So give me your best shot."

Brick and Zloda charged at the same time. To this day Brick still doesn't know how he knew the exact second the older man would move but for some reason his body moved on it's own.

To Brittany (who ran out the front door, her rifle in hand) both men were equally matched. Both were around the same size and weight. Both well trained in SFCP, and both were obviously injured. The fight could go either way, and she had the feeling it wouldn't go the way she hoped.

She tried to move past her father and his three hands, but Beau threw his arm in front of her. "Daddy, I...."

When her eyes met his the seriousness in his gaze along with the wordless shake of his head stopped her cold.

'He's right....this is Gabriel's fight.'

Brick had no idea how, but one second he and Zloba were trying to avoid each other's blows and the next he was on his back on the cold ground. He had his ankles pressed tightly to the older man's throat and held hard. If he kept this hold up much longer, Zloba would pass out from the lack of blood to the brain. However, Zloba had another trick up his sleeve.

Brittany watched as the mobster pulled a dagger from his boot and stabbed it into Brick's outer thigh. To her surprise Brick never let out a sound, he just roled to his feet and limped back. He didn't remove the blade for like her, he knew the best way to stop the flow of blood was the weapon alone.

Brick took a few steps away from his cousin and studied him for a long moment. He had gotten stronger since the last time they had fought. He was faster too. But, he had to have a weakness. Everyone did. As Brick studied the other man he realized that Zloba was spending all his time watching his face, not his body. Brick couldn't hide the satified smile that crossed his mouth. Zloba wanted to watch his face for a reaction, so he would give him one.

Brick let that smile spread even wider. He reached up and removed the patch covering his left eye. As he had anticipated Zloba took a hesitant step back in disgust. Brick's left eye was still there, but had lost all of it's color (instead of the violet there was nothing but white); and a jagged scar ran right through it. Even the eye lids were uneven.

'There, that'll give you something pretty to look at.'

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