Chapter 35

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**** Kitt nickered his enjoyment as Tany and Brick talked while smoothing his aged, white coat. The "Ole Man" of the stable was retired and seldom called upon to do more than carry disabled children around the training ring. He was in his element with both sides being gently combed at the same time when Brick's cellphone buzzed. Kitt snorted his annoyment at having his brushing interrupted.

"Brick." The man gave his usual greeting. The urgency in his friend's voice was clear. "KB, what...."

"No time. Brick, the ringleader is Sadie Ivanov. She just took a few shots at me, and then shot Zeus. She wanted me to know it was her and told me who her next target is. She's going after Charity, Brick. I need you to bring the chopper and pick us up now!"

Brittany watched Brick's face go hard, saw the change overtake him, and it was one of the most terrifiing things she had ever witnessed in her life.

"KB, if it is her, she's planning something much bigger than just one person's death. My father never killed just one individual. He took out the entire family as a lesson, a warning to others. I'll put the word out."

Kyle was in full agreement and knew that Brick was the best person for the job. "Brick, she doesn't know you anymore, doesn't know how you've changed. She's greatly underestimated you and us as a team. Stay there at the ranch, send pop out to me in the chopper. I need you there to help Rowdy lead the safety mesures. Nearly everyone there has some form of military and or emergency training."

Brick nodded, "KB, she'll already have contacted her people. She'll send them in to do the hit. She never wanted to get her hands dirty on something like this. She was fine at giving the orders for a hit....but her personally taking a shot at you shocks me."

"Brick....buddy I'm sorry but she's not the little sister you left at home. Something is seriously wrong with her. Her eyes Brick....they were crazy. We've both seen soldiers lose it on the battle field, that insane, mad look that takes their eyes over. That's what I saw. She's no longer fireing on all cylinders."

Brick hung up and turned to Brittany, saw the fear for her brother in her eyes. "Tany, call an emergicy meeting, get everyone available to Beau's place. Remember, everyone needs to be there. We have to ready this ranch for a war and as soon as possible."


Charity stared in shock while Brick related KB's call. "Wait, what about the kids?!"

Rowdy looked at his daughter, "Beau's place is the hardest to get to without being seen. It's the farthest house from any other building, other than the main house and it's also the largest. The third story will be easy to defend, and is far safer for the children than anywhere else."

The other men all nodded in agreemant. Beau had already taken the chopper to get Kyle. How Charity wished that all the cabins had a safe room like Kyle's had, wait....

Charity stood up in shock, "Wait, what about Kyle's saferoom? I know the cabin is gone, but Brick said the saferoom is still in one piece. Would the kids be safe there?"

Brick turned to Rowdy and shook his head, "Not a good idea. True, the room is still there but the door isn't. So, I'm sorry but that's a no go."

Rowdy nodded in agreement. Carlie, on the other hand took her brother and sister's hands and whispered. "What about Kyle, and daddy?"

Alex wrapped his arm around his baby sister's shoulders. "Dad and Kyle know what they're doin'. This isn't the first time for either of them." he looked Brick in the eyes, "Tell us what you want us to do, sir."

Brick and Rowdy nodded and laid out their plans. It was time to set a trap.


Kyle and Pan sat beside his father in the chopper. Beau could see in the hard lines of his son's face that he was no longer with him. He was angry and feeling the loss of Zeus.

"I'm sorry son, so sorry about Zeus. I know all too well the grief of losing an animal and friend, expecially when there was no need for it. Brick and Rowdy rounded up all the free wranglers on the ranch and they were makin' plans to lock the place down when I left. They're putting all the children on the third floor of my place with people to care for them. There'll be enouogh firepower in the hall and other floors to make sure the little one's stay safe. I left when they were discussin' other plans, but you and I both know that the ranch - and everyone we love is in good hands.

Kyle turned angry, cold eyes on man who adopted him and Kaylee so many years ago. The man who had stepped into a father's role, raising and loving them as his own. The older man was immensly proud of the man he saw in Kyle's eyes. Proud of every facet of the man that the boy he adopted had grown into.  He saw a rodeo champion, a soldier - Army Ranger and Sheriff who had seen too much war and death.

"Get it off your chest, son. Let's hash is out before we get back."

Kyle closed his eyes and swallowed. "Back there, when Sadie fired the rifle, when I heard the's like a haze....or a fog surrounded me.  Zeus wasn't....he wasn't...." he shook his head again and wiped his face.

"You had a flash back, son. I'm not surprised boy, that was a horrendous situation back there. One, no decent human being should ever have to go through. I've had my share of them too, so has Rowdy. There's no shame in it."

Kyle searched his father's face for a long minute before answering.

"For minute there, I'm not sure if I knew where I was to be honest."

"I remember the feelings well, wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. But you came out of it son, that's what you need to remember. Some folks can't, nut you did and you're all the better, all the stronger for it. Brick and Rowdy have rallied every man and woman who had any kind of training. By the time we get back, their plans will already have been put into action. Don't worry, we're going to take these monsters down. Hopefully, Sadie and her cohorts won't have made a move yet, or better yet." The older man chuckled. "If we're luckly they'll all be like Irving and his buddy."

The Sheriff smiled and chuckled at the memory of the misfits at the cabin.

"That would be beneficial. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll be that lucky."

"Well," Beau drawled, "Most of us are still reserve deputies, so at least you'll have all the official backup you need."

Kyle called the Sheriff's office and informed Truman, his acting head deputy, and Bear's nephew of the situation at the ranch. Deputy Truman would inform the State's Attorney of Sadie's actions and the plans she had goaded the Sheriff with. He left orders for deputies, police vans and ambulances to be ready when needed.

Kyle checked his sidearm and turned back to his father,"Ok, Deputy Truman will take care of that end. Let's get this done."

Beau gave him a proud, smile, "You got it, Sheriff."


Back at Beau and Drina's place, Charity sat on the floor, her son in lap in one of the upper bedrooms. She felt the fear building deep within her, so different from trauma in the ER. She felt the warmth of a firm hand on her shoulder and the fear eased.

'Easy, darlin'. Trust in Kyle.'

The picture of her birthfather that stayed on her mother's bedside table filled her mind. Brody had been K.I.A. before she was born, but she had grown up with pictures and stories all around her. She had always felt him around, watching over her. 'Daddy, Eli, please help and protect Kyle. I love him so much.'

"Lord, please protect these children, and all those who are risking their lives to keep us all safe. Bring us all through this safely, and bring Kyle back to me. I need and love him, so much. In Jesus' name. Amen."

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