Chapter 7

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**** 'Back off? Back off of what?'

Kyle sat on the front porch swing, his leg stretched across the seat, and his sweats pulled up a few inches below the knee. He couldn't help but wonder what Charity was really up to. She had said she knew nothing of the work Eli did for the FBI, but her eyes had told another story.

"Pan, she's hiding somethin' from me, and eventually I will find out what it is."

Pan let out a long suffering sigh.

He grinned down at her, "Fine! Just be that way then. You're not the one that has to figure it out." He turned to his wheelchair, stared and couldn't help the sudden grin. 'Is that a big red bow on the back of my wheels?'

Lifting a brow, he turned and called out to the young woman who was in his kitchen cooking the steaks. "Cherry, come out here!"

"Just a sec." She called back. After a moment the front door creaked open and she poked her head through, a sheepish grin on her pretty face. "You called?"

Pan lifted her head to study the woman in question and nearly rolled her eyes. 'Two legs are strange creatures.'

Kyle raised an eyebrow, cast his dog a quick glance, letting her know he had picked up on her thoughts. Then returned his glare to the nurse before him. "Why is there a big, red bow on Ol' Tess?"

She grinned, "That's not my doing, Michael wanted to make his uncle smile. So we made a secret gift and hid it. The first clue is behind that bow."

"Michael? Little, bitty Michael wanted to make me smile...? First clue? What, like a scavenger hunt?"

"Right on all counts." Then she turned back into the house. But before she disappeared through the door, she turned a brilliant smile on him. Those emerald eyes nearly bowling him over. "Have fun." She said and returned to the kitchen.

Brow lifted, Kyle turned back to Pan, "You know, I have a bad feelin' she's up to no good."

His K-9 partner couldn't help the large doggie grin that spread across her face. 'You're not wrong.'


Kyle sat in his office, phone to his ear. On his desk sat a little paper weight with Michael's hand print set in blue plaster of paris. It was mounted on a small piece of wood which included an engraving.

'In case you ever need a high five. With love, Michael.'

Charity leaned against the door frame arms crossed as she watched Kyle talking on the phone. He was speaking in a language she hadn't heard before. She knew he was of Hispanic descent, but he wasn't speaking Spanish. She had grown up with both Spanish and Cajun French.

 She had grown up with both Spanish and Cajun French

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"Da. Lyubaya informatsiua, hotoruyu vying mozhete poluchit' men ya byl by rad."
(Yes. Any information you can get me would be greatly appreciated.)

She watched as he began searching through his papers, pulled out a file, and began to read off info. When he noticed her standing there he waved her in and spoke into the phone.

"Gav, ty mog provesti na mgnoveniye?"
(Gav, could you hold for a moment?)

"Ne problema, Kayl."
(No problem, Kyle.)


After pushing the 'Hold' button and laying the receiver down he turned those dark chocolate eyes on Charity.

"Would you care to fill me in on the real case Eli was workin' on?"

Charity felt cold sweat run down her back. "I told you everything I know."

She was amazed at the sight before her. Here sat an Army Ranger in place of the man she had been living with for the past week. Just the way he held himself, and the look in his eyes were beyond intimidating. She sent a quick look toward the far corner where Pan lay on her bed.

To change the subject, "Who are you talking to, and what language were you speaking?"

Kyle studied her for a long moment then leaned back in his chair. "Special Agent Gavriil Alexeev, with the F.B.I. Name sound familiar?"

Charity felt the blood drain from her face. "You're talking to Agent Alexeev?"

Kyle nodded, "We were in the Rangers together. He was Eli's buddy. He says zdravstvuyte, by the way."

"What does that mean?"

Kyle leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. "Zdravstvuyte is Hello in Russian."

Shocked, she looked down and whispered the first thing that came to mind. "Exactly, how many languages can you speak?"

He sighed and shugged, "A half dozen or so fluently, then another half dozen I know enough to get by with." He answered. "I'm a Linguist. That was one of my jobs in the Rangers. I've always picked up languages rather easily."

Still not looking up, "Do you know Sign Language?"

He nodded, "Yes. Many of the clients the ranch takes on, are hearing impaired."

Then in Spanish, "Ahora responder a la pregunta, por favor."
(Now answer the question, please.)

Charity looked down at her hands and shook her head. "I don't know all the details, only that he had been working undercover."

Kyle studied her for another long moment then reached over and took the phone off hold.

"Gavriil, u vast yest' kakiye-libo idea, great Eli derzhal svoi zapasnyye chasti?"
(Gavriil, do you have any idea where Eli kept his spares?)


Charity sat on the front porch with Pan's large head resting in her lap. Kyle knew. She looked up at the starry sky.

"Eli, what do I do? You said I would know who to give them to, and when. But, you never told me where they are."

She wiped the tears from her face, and looked up at the stars, "Babe, some men are after us. What do I do?"

At that very moment Pan lifted her massive head, eyes fixed on the point behind her right shoulder. Feeling a hand gently squeeze and pat her shoulder she turned around half expecting to find her husband standing there.

"Eli, honey. I know you're here. You've been with us since it happened. I can feel your support. Please, baby. Tell me what you want me to do."

After a long moment she felt a soft kiss on her cheek, 'Trust him.'

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