Chapter 30

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**** Sadie sat high on a hilltop watching her brother as he wrapped an arm around the tiny blonde. She felt the rage boiling deep within. Just as she was about to pull the trigger, four kids came riding up to the cabin.

'No! Not now!' She thought as the children all dismounted their ponies. Shaking her head she once again looked through the scope. She had watched her brother fall to his knees before the other man. Then watched in disgust as the little blonde took and held his hand as if she held a treasure.

Gabriel had changed over the years. Long ago he would never have let a potentail enemy get that close. Suddenly, a sick smile crossed her lips. 'Well, well. It seems the Ice Warrior has a weekness after all.' She thought to herself.

Sadie realized now that Charity was no longer her main target. If she truely wanted revenge, she needed to hit Gabriel in his heart, hit him where it hurt. That meant....hitting specific members of the Blanton Family. Those two in particular.


Pan and Hope lay side by side just outside the door as Kyle, Cherry and Brittany lay sleeping in the cabin. Hope turned to look at the huge man leaning against the wall not so far away. She wasn't sure about this particular male. He was most definitely an alpha, but there was something about his scent that bothered her.

Pan lifted her head to look at the wolf beside her, 'The one eyed one almost died protecting my person. If you are worried about whether or not we can trust him....'

Hope turned to her friend and flattened her ears in annoyance, 'His scent. He is not a bad person....but he smells of spilled blood.' Hope lifted her muzzle into the air and sniffed, 'Much of it old.'

Pan tilted her head as she watched the warrior sitting in his chair, his kill stick across his lap. 'He is a good person. Not bad.'


Brick turned to watch the two K-9s as they looked into each other's eyes. 'If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that they were communicating.' He thought.

The wolf turned amber eyes on him. The calculating intelligence in their gave him a chill. 'Why do I get the feeling that she is trying to decide if I'm a threat or not?'

Kyle, who was now standing in the doorway chuckled, "Hope is still wondering if she can trust you or not."

Brick just shrugged, "She never really liked me anyway."

Kyle sighed and sent a thought to his old friend, 'Hope, he means us no harm only good. Trust him. I do, with my life, and family So, just give him a chance. Remember when most mistrusted you.'

Hope looked Kyle in the eyes, gave a little huff and once again lay her head down. Brick, who had been watching the scene shook his head in amazement.

"I'll never understand you, and that thing you do."

Kyle simply shugged, "Nothing to understand. Now, go get some rest, I'm taking over the watch. You're no good to me half dead."

Brick looked as if he were about to argue, but Kyle nipped that in the bud.

"Look, bro. Your shoulder is still healing, and don't even think of acting all tough with me. I still out rank you. You've got nothin' to prove. Besides, you seem to have a calming affect on Brittany, and right now her sleep is anything but calm. We need her in top form too."

He chuckled aloud as Brick got to his feet. 'So....'

He filed this information away to examine at a later time. He accepted the rifle Brick handed him and sat down in the still warm chair. He watched a white cloud of his breath fade away into the night sky. He had missed winters on the ranch.

As the long night began to drag on, his thoughts turned back to Eli. Why hadn't E told them anything? Why had he been so determaned to work this case alone? He had never really been the lone wolf type, not like Brick anyway.

Kyle took another deep breath of the cold winter air and froze. The hair on the back of his neck and arms stood on end. His internal radar (which had served him do well in the rangers, and again as Sheriff) was going off like crazy. If he felt it this strongly. Brick was feeling the same.

Kyle knew that part of it was the training. Most men who had been on the receiving end of a sniper rifle knew that feeling. But, in Bricks case....he had a gift, much like Kyle's. He had always been able to tell when danger was near.

Slowly Kyle began to stand as his eyes scanned the horizen. 'Where are you?'

He could feel Brick slowly working his way around the cabin. Kyle smiled to himself. 'It's good to have the team back together.'

Hope came to stand next to him her eyes also on the horizon. 'So you trust the one eye?'

Kyle smile down at her, "With my life."


Brick had just sat down on the old cot when Brittany roled over and gave him a tired smile. "Everything alright?"

He nodded, "Da. So far all is quiet."

She smiled and closed her silver-blue eyes. Brick was unable to take his eye off  her for a long while. However; he soon found himself drifting off into a sound sleep.

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