Chapter 10

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**** "Why didn't I think about that before? Uhhhhh!"

"Think about what?" Maybe he had jogged something lose after all.

"The files, the files! Uhhhhh! I can't believe I hadn't thought of them being there!"

"Being where?" Kyle was going between frustration and excitement. "Where?"

Charity had been walking excitedly around the deck, waving her arms berating herself.

"Everyone has told me that story over and over ever since I came here as a child! Eli loved talking about it. Thought it was such a great story and the perfect hiding place and how much he wished he could have met your grandfather!"

'Grandfather? What the heck was she talking about? Grandfather?' He sobered and thought about everything she had just said.

...Great story
...Hiding place

"The only grandfather that Eli had known anything about had been your grandpa, Brett Sr. That... great story about your family's first Christmas at the ranch. Beau and Drina being at one of the out lying ranch cabins."

There were multiple cabins that were kept stocked for necessary overnight stays and emergencies. Each sector had one. Beau had been out looking for a lost cow and calf when the storm hit and had come down with pneumonia. Drina had set out by herself, found him out on the range in a white out and had been led (according to her) to the cabin by Brett Sr. She had led Beau to the cabin, really saved his life - all their lives.

While Beau had been unable to save the cow he had found the calf snuggled up with a tiny Hope. She knew there was a light or switch somewhere in the cabin to alert the main house of trouble. The alert showed up on the massive map in Beau's office. A light would pinpoint what cabin the alert came from and where it was located. Drina searched the cabin but couldn't find the switch.

Beau steadily got worse... his temp was high and wouldn't go down. Drina was really getting scared and "dreamed" about Brett Sr coming into the cabin with a huge armload of dry firewood. He showed her where the emergency switch was and activated it himself. He talked to Drina, told her how proud he was of Beau, ya da, ya da, ya da. Then he told her about some papers and files that... he... had... hidden. Hidden in the... floor! A lose floorboard! A secret compartment Brett Sr had made.  Eli had always loved that story.

Not the lovey dovey part of the story at least as a kid, but the part about Brett Sr... Navy Seal... drafted by the FBI... working to save his family and community. He had been asked to help with a case and had become a pivotal part of the investigation. He said you guys argued over who would be Brett Sr, master interrigator... being chased and shot at. He said your grandpa kept notes, newspaper clippings and photos and made the secret hiding place in a frantic effort to secure the information he had gathered.

"Oh for... the cabin!" He looked at Charity... stunned. "Of course! Why haven't I thought of that? We used to hide things there, pretending we were Brett Sr and the FBI investigating, hiding important, secret files there in the cabin. My granddad made a hidden compartment in the floor. Drina alway said he told her where it was 'cause there were important papers dad, Uncle Brett and Nico needed."

They looked at each other... speechless, hopeful.

"That'd be the perfect place for Eli to have hidden something, thinking I'd figure it out." He hit himself in the forhead.

"Get up ta speed, Blanton!" He looked to the sky, saluted and whispered, "Thanks, E. I'll take it from here."

Carlie was walking up the ramp beside Pan and a giggling, wiggling - wet Michael. Pan looked at Kyle and then at the wet saddle - 'Really?' She sent him along with a doleful look and heavy sigh, 'I expect a warm bath later - complete with back massage.'

Kyle laughed and removed the saddle, noting in some part of his mind that one side was a little heavier than the other. Charity took the now unhappy boy in for a diaper change.

He looked at Carlyn, "Do you think you could let me borrow Pepper for a bit? I won't be gone long, I just need to check something out."

"Sure. Pep won't mind and he'd probably enjoy a good run. It'll give me a chance to play with Mikey. Oh! In my English class we have to interview a professional woman about being in the work force, and balancing job and family stuff. Do you think Charity would let me interview her? She'd be great!"

Kyle answered as they went into the house. "You'll have to ask her, but I think it's a great idea. I'll just be a minute."

"What's a great idea?" Charity asked as she placed Michael in the playpen.


Kyle walked out of his bedroom carrying saddlebags. He kissed Carlyn on the forhead and thanked her for the ride, then looked at Charity.

"I'll be back in a bit. Would you call my dad and let him know I'll be coming to the ranch and ask if he'd take a ride with me?"

"Of course. Is... is that all I tell him?" She watched solemly as he unlocked the gun cabinet, buckled on the shoulder holster, checked to ensure a full load and slipped his weapon into the holster.

"Hey Carlie, I didn't notice, have you got a saddle with the rifle holster on the side?"

She nodded, "Yes, daddy says to never go for a ride without a weapon."

He loaded a rifle and pocketed extra bullets and two extra clips.

"Great! Tell dad I'll be there in a few and to come ready to hunt."

"Are... are you sure...?" Charity stopped at his look.

"Really... Cherry? You really wanna go there again?"

She shook head. "Of course not, I'm sorry, I know you know what you're doing."

"That's my girl," he said and kissed her forhead as he jogged down the ramp and mounted Pepper... no hands. It had always given her a thrill to see him do that... and it still did.

"Soooo about that interview..." Carlyn said.


Beau was pushing a rifle into his saddle and had his gunbelt slung around his hips. He mounted Kitt Jr., his huge white stallion as his son rode up to the stable.

Kyle filled his dad in on the information that he knew and suspected Eli had gathered and hidden and his revelation as to where it all might be.

Beau chuckled, "Well son, it makes sense that he hide it there. You boys certainly spent enough time playin' cowboys, FBI Agents and bad guys often enough out there."

He laughed outright at the surprised look on the young Sheriff's face.

"Of course I knew, so did pop, Rowdy and half the guys that holed up there for one reason or another. 'Course, only pop, Rowdy an' me knew about the floor compartment."

Kyle's dark skin turned a dusky pink. "An' we thought we were so clever. How'd ya know?"

"Welllll, the empty cans o' spaghetti 'n meat balls, spaghetti O's, Ravioli, and peanut butter 'n cheese snacks in the trash cans kinda gave it away. Plus the arrow heads and letters to and from girls in the floorboards cinched it."

Kyle rubbed a hand down his face. "I may never be able to look Rowdy an' Yancy in the eyes again." He lamented.

Hero Mine  (3B Hero Series) Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora