Chapter 8

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**** Kyle propelled the wheelchair through the french doors and out onto the deck, as his little sister rode up on her horse, Pepper.

"Hi, Kyle!"

He grinned, "Hey... Carlie, my girl! Good to see you gorgeous! What'cha doin' in this neck o' the woods?"

Pepper snorted a greeting 'Hello Pan, you look comfortable there. You must enjoy being able to take care of the two legs while resting in such a beautiful place. The two legs greet one another in very unusual ways.'

Pan gave a dog grin and woofed back in answer. 'Hello Pepper, it's good to see you. You look very happy with the young two legs. Yes, all the two legs seem to have strange greeting rituals.

Kyle caught the communication between the two animals and grinned at the two. Pan got up, stretched and went inside when Michael called for her from the kitchen. The horse and dog were good friends, both had befriended and helped his little Carlyn on many occasions.

Pepper looked at him and nodded toward Carlyn, 'She takes me through the woods a lot and stops at that nice little stream. We stop and rest and she gives me fresh, cool water in a special bucket she carries just for me.'

Kyle smiled and answered, 'She loves and values you very much, Pepper, and I appreciate you taking such good care of her. I happen to know that no one else is allowed to drink from that bucket.'

The salt and pepper colored horse (a coloration known as flea bit) perked his ears up at that, held his head a little higher, and sauntered up next to the banister. The teenaged girl grinned and patted and hugged Pepper's neck, whispered, "Good boy, thank you," before she hopped off the gelding, onto the banister and then climbed onto her big brother's lap.

The seventeen year old threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek after nearly strangling him with a huge hug. He chuckled and squeezed her just as hard before planting a raspberry on her neck, making her laugh and beg for mercy.

"The rodeo is in two weeks, and daddy wanted me to find out if you had signed up yet."

The Sheriff grinned and wrapped his arms around her and squeezed again. "Now do the two of you really think, I would let things slip and not sign up?"

Grinning Carlyn shook her head, "Nope! I think daddy just wanted ta bug you a bit and I volunteered to do it." She giggled.

"Alex will be bronco riding, it's his first time. He practices every night after his chores are done. Mama got him a new shirt with A. Blanton - 3B Ranch embroidered on the back and a pair of chaps jus' like daddy's! Britney and Ava are in the team roping contest, they got new matching tops and jeans with fringe that'r red and gold. Kaylee, is in the bareback horsemanship competition. I've been watching her practice and taking lessons. She's awesome!"

Kyle couldn't help the chuckle that slipped out. He loved and got so much joy out of his little sister. "Breathe my child. Sounds like everything's goin' good. What are you goin' ta be doin' and wearin', sweetness?"

Her eyes grew twice the size and she turned in his lap and looked directly into his dark brown eyes.

"Oooh, mama had an outfit specially made jus' for me, too!" She nodded at his raised eyebrows.

"Jus' for you? That's great, no one deserves it more than my little sugar bug."

She shrugged and turned pink. "What's it look like, sweetheart? "

"It's so pretty, I can't wait for you to see it. The top is a dark, sparkly green with silver fringe down the arms and across the back. The jeans are the same color with fringe allll down the side."

His baby sister grinned proudly, "I'm gonna carry the flag in the parade too! My first time! Then I'll be stunt riding later, Uncle Rowdy says I'm ready. I'm really excited. What are you signed up for, Kyle?"

He opened his mouth to answer but was cut off as Pan padded out of the house and by him with Michael happily riding in the little saddle on her back. Charity grinned as she stepped out of the house, carrying two mugs of tea.

"Are we talking about the 3B Rodeo?"

Kyle and Carlyn grinned and answered, "Yup!"

Charity was beyond relieved that Kyle had not been pressing her for more information. She felt so guilty and confused. Guilty because she was not being forthcoming with information. Confused because there was a file full of information that Kyle needed and Eli wanted him to have but... where was it?

She thought she had heard... sensed... felt... Eli telling her to trust. Trust Kyle obviously, he was the Sheriff, after all. Her late husband's best friend... her friend. Was that all he was? Kyle was her friend too but, she was beginning to have some feelings toward him that were more than just... friendly. Thus the additional guilt.

She had loved Eli, been absolutely crazy about him, so how could she be having these feelings about his best friend? What kind of wife was she anyway?

"Are you ok?" Carlyn asked noting the mixed emotions flitting across the older woman's face. Kyle sat quietly, just watching, listening.

Mentally shaking herself, she forced a smile and nodded. "I'm fine, honey. I saw you do that dismount just now, it was awesome. Would you show me how to do it too sometime?"

Thinking the teenager's presence would successfully turn Kyle's attention from whatever he was thinking about, she turned back to the Sheriff.

"Ummm... so... Kyle... are you really going to participate in the Rodeo?"

Carlyn and Kyle both froze. The teenager glanced at Kyle then Charity knowing a blow-up was imminent. She tightened her arms around his neck and glared at Charity.

"What do you mean by that? He's a champion bull rider, he started when he was even younger than me, when they came here on vacation. Why wouldn't he be in it too?"

He squeezed her gently, a silent message to stop even though he loved and appreciated her support and belief in him.

He looked at Charity, "I have every intension of riding bulls, why?" He quietly challenged her question not sure if he was angry or hurt... or both.

"Weeeell, I don't know that your doctor would exactly approve of you pushing your l-l-le-ummm yourself. And as your nurse..." She stopped at the stoney look on his face.

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