Chaptet Five: Vroom Vroom

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We had only been in the car for twenty minutes when we had to pull over.

I stuck my head out the window to see a frustrated Thomas leaning under the hood of his car trying to figure out why his car was making a terrible noise.

"Isn't it funny that the guy with the nicest car is having the most car trouble," Patrick chuckled from the backseat.

"I wish we had more advanced notice, we totally could have stolen my grandpas RV," Aurelie responded.

I looked in the mirror and could see her playing with her hair. She wore a purple bandana in her hair with a matching shade of lipgloss on her lips.

The slamming of the hood startled me. I looked forward to see Thomas March back into the drivers side.

He opened the car door quickly and sat down.

"So what's the verdict?" Patrick asked leaning forward and grabbing Thomas's seat.

"Definitely won't make it to the States," Thomas sighed. His hair looked brushed for once, sitting neatly on his head. He had pushed the sleeves of his black shirt up to his elbows revealing a deep looking scar on his right forearm.

It's weird to think about how it feels like we know each other better than anyone but there's also still so much we don't know.

Thomas tends to spend most of his time in long sleeved shirts and then when he's not wearing a shirt I'm usually not paying too much attention to that if you know what I mean.

"What now?" Aurelie said also leaning forward.

"Plan b," Thomas sighed starting the car.


"So which one?" Thomas asked us.

This is crazy.

We stood in the parking lot at a dealership surrounded by hundreds of cars.

"Any of them?" Patrick said with a big smile and wide eyes.

Thomas nodded his head.

I looked at him half confused.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card.

"I still have my parents credit card," Thomas said flicking it between his fingers.

"Hell yeah! I've always wanted a Tesla!" Patrick exclaimed excitedly.

He ran away from us and ito a row of jaguars and other fancy cars.

"I'm gonna go make sure he doesn't get us arrested," Aurelie rolled her eyes and followed behind him.

I shook my head and laughed.

"So which one are you thinking?" Thomas asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know," I answered.

"What kind of car did you have at home?" He asked.

We started walking forward down a row of cars. The sun was hiding behind a dark patch of clouds making think it was probably gonna rain again soon.

"I never really had a car...I mean, Parker had a tiny 2003 Ford that was a piece a shit and we sorta shared it sometimes but it didn't last long." I explained to him.

I shoved my hands into the pocket of the gray hoodie I was wearing.

"What's your dream car?" He asked.

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