Chapter 12: Dramatic Panic

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"Hello? Answer me!" I yelled at the officer who had just placed me in the back of an SUV.

The two agents sat silently in the front of the car ignoring me. They held straight facial expressions the entire time. "Where is Thomas? Where are you taking me?"

They didn't answer any of my questions.

I let my head collapse into my hands. I in no way expected this to happen. I thought about poor Aurelie and Patrick, whether they were also taken or just abandoned back at that gas station.

It had already felt like I'd been in the back of that car for hours. I waited impatiently for answers on what was going on. I thought about Thomas, about how he definitely hated these random strangers handling him.

My mind first suspected my father had control of all of this, but a strange feeling in my gut didn't think he was responsible for this. It seemed almost too official for him to be capable of.

The car finally screeched to a stop. The agents got out of the car and then opened my door. I looked at the giant, familiar brick building that stood in front of us. I gulped nervously and felt my heart pound against my chest.

"Come on," the large woman commanded pulling me out of the car. Even irritated I obliged by following them into the station.

This town was the last place I wanted to be.

I followed them down the long, white hallway into the last interrogation room on the left.

We stopped in front of the door and the woman said, "Go ahead."

I took a deep breath in before opening the door. As I walked in the door she turned around with her arms crossed and a sour facial expression.

"Take a seat," Detective Ramirez said pointing at the chair on the other side of the table sitting in the middle of the room.

Her hair was pulled up in a straight, tight pony tail with every hair in place.

"What the fuck is going on?" I yelled at her walking towards the table.

She let out an unimpressed laughed.

"I should ask you the exact same thing, Ms. Carlton," she scoffed.

"Why am I here? Where are my friends?" I asked placed my hands on the top of the back of the chair.

"Aero, you're supposed to be studying in Canada under a false name. Your assigned family was expecting you to return to their home three weeks ago. You haven't checked in with your case agent in over a month. When you stopped contacting the team and then left the country we assumed you'd been kidnapped!" She now paced the room, still holding her arms crossed.

"Fuck," I sighed under my breath. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Your two friends from the car are waiting down the hall," she told me.

"Where is Thomas right now?" I asked her.

She pulled out the other chair and sat down. "He's in the next room over being questioned."

"Well he didn't kidnap me so you can stop questioning him," I said annoyed at her.

"Who is he?" She asked. This time it seemed more like curiosity than a logistic question.

"My boyfriend!" I stated slowly.

She rolled her eyes again at me.
"Why are you back in New York?"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly.

"We're...on vacation," I said quietly.

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