Chapter 11: New York State of Mind

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Cole and I laid in the sand as the sun shined down on us.

"Do we have to return to the mansion?" I complained. "I'm kind of enjoying this whole beach vacation vibe."

Cole chuckled a little and shook his head.

"I feel bad for just running out on them," he sighed. "I shouldn't have done that."

"What else were you gonna do?" I leaned up on the back of my elbows and looked down at him.

He laid back with his hands under his head.

"They were all being douchebags. You made the right choice in leaving," I convinced him.

I leaned down a little and kissed him lightly. "Don't feel bad about it, seriously."

Cole nodded his head.

"So...did Aero ask about me?"

I was curious about the phone call that he received from her earlier.

"Um, not exactly," he said slumping his shoulders a little.

Great. So I take it she's still mad at me.

"When is she gonna get over herself!" I complained leaning my back onto the sand.

"The real question is when are you gonna get over yourself?" Cole laughed.

"Excuse me!" I said offended but smiling. "Why are you laughing!"

"Parker you ambushed her in Canada and then shat on her boyfriend!" He said fake punching my shoulder.

I mean I guess I did do that.

"Whatever," I poured crossing my arms.

I just want her to be safe and what's best for her.

"Where are they now anyway?" I asked straying subjects.

"Ummm I think she said next stop is New York City."

"What?" I sat up quickly and said. "She's going back to New York?"

Cole shrugged and nodded.

Maybe she does really like this guy, because I didn't think anything in the world would have convinced her to go back there.

"Hey love birds!" Junes voice echoed from behind us.

I turned my head to see her walking towards us with Harry. They held hands as she skipped towards us while he tried to keep up.

"Hate to ruin a cute beach moment," Harry began. "But we should probably go back to my house soon before my parents call the CIA to come find us."

I sighed and looked at Cole who was standing up.

I thought about the fun we had partying, playing, swimming and hanging out here, and I already missed the idea of it. Cole put out his hand.

"Ready?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and took his hand.

"Fine, I guess," I said as he pulled me up.

I brushed the sand of of my legs as we walked back toward the beach house.

"So I'll see you later?" June asked Cole.

"I'll keep you updated on my prison sentence," Harry said winking at her.

She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"It was so nice to meet you both," she smiled.

I froze as she walked up to me and kissed my cheek. She then did the same to Cole.

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