Chapter 14: He had a record

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I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I first tried to flatten it but ended up just ruffling through it with my fingers.

I couldn't stop thinking about the night before. I pictured her perfect, red lips, the way they felt pressed up against my skin.

I never even learned her name.

I was never the type to have one-night stands. At least that's what I had thought.

I thought after how good last night was that I'd wake up this morning not thinking about Sarah-Jessica. I was wrong.

I picked out a brown pair of slacks, and a grey sweater and then changed into them. I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows and let out a deep breath. I wrapped my father's watch around my wrist and stared at it for a couple of seconds. He would have been 41 today.

I made my way to Louis' house taking my time the whole way there. He and his buddies greeted me at the door and we made our way to his living room. I swear his parents were never home.

"Rumor has it that our boy Benny hooked up with the hottest girl at the party last night!" Louis smirked sitting crosslegged on the couch across from me. I rolled my eyes as everyone in the room "ooo-ed".

"Chris saw you two go into one of the upstairs bedrooms," He continued.

Everyone then started whistling and clapping. I couldn't help but smirk a little.

"Stop, Stop," I said waving my hand up and down. "I don't even know who she was."

They all continued to stare and smile at me.

"Rumor has it she's the neighborhood slut," Louis snickered.

"Doesn't seem like a rumor!" Chris yelled making everyone laugh.

I no longer was smirking. Instead, my cheeks became hot and I felt awkward.

"We're just messing around man," Louis laughed. "Anyway, so does this mean you and Sarah-J are officially...history?"

I definitely didn't want to discuss this with anyone in this room.

I shrugged my shoulders. I could see Louis' face brighten as he exchanged a look with Chris.

"Alright boys, let's discuss fall spor..."

I found myself spacing out from that point on. If Chris saw me last night, and everyone here knows, it was only a matter of time before Sarah-J found out. That's if she hadn't already.


"I can't believe we  saw Timothee Chalamet walking down the street!" Aurelie squealed sitting next to me. We sat in a booth in a little restaurant not far from Pittsburg.

"I know," I said to her. New York City was definitely her favorite part of the trip so far. She continued talking excitedly about the trip. I looked towards the long hallway that Patrick and Thomas has gone down looking for a bathroom just a couple of minutes before.

"You okay?" she asked catching my attention back towards her.

"I'm fine, why?" I asked.

She stirred her straw around in her strawberry milkshake. "I don't know. You and Thomas have both seemed weird the last couple of days."

I figured I'd might as well tell her what was on my mind.

"Ever since the police station, Thomas' mind has seemed like it's been...somewhere else,'' I told her.

"Well its probably dug up the past of the last time he was arrested," Aurelie said before slurping her shake.

I looked at her concerned. "What do you mean, the last time he was arrested?"

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