Chapter Six: Nothing but the truth

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There's nothing more suspicious than four teenagers driving a Tesla across the Canadian/U.S border. Somehow we managed to get through, even though I could feel the stink eye from the back seat when they checked my Nora passport.

Maine was the first state we entered. When I looked out the car window and saw the open ocean it reminded me of one time when I was little. My mom took Parker and I to Old Orchard beach once. We put a giant blanket on the sand and sat on it together. It was very windy so my mom had to tie my hair back to keep it from becoming a rat's nest.

Parker hated the sand. Especially if his feet were wet he'd cry when coming into contact with the sand. I on the other hand loved it. I wanted to make sandcastles and pretend I was the ruler of whichever fairyland I built.

I remember my mom's loose curls flowing in the wind as she read aloud Charlotte's Web.

I had wondered why my dad hadn't joined just that day, thinking maybe he was at work, but now I look back and can only think he was at a bar or attempting to kill someone.

This was the last thing we did just the three of us, mom died just a couple of months after that day. That's when the monster inside my father came out to ruin our childhood.

"Everything alright?"

I turned my head as Thomas placed his hand on my thigh. I let out a deep breath and nodded my head. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.

"Sooooo where's our first cool stop?" Patrick said leaning his head in between the two front seats.

"Ummm...that's a good question," Thomas answered slowly.

"You have no idea where we are going do you?" Aurelie asked. Patrick leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

"Haven't gotten that far," Thomas said.

"I knew it! See this is what happens when we don't plan things," Aurelie sighed.

"Well I'm hungry," Patrick said after a loud gurgling noise left his body.

"Me too," Aurelie agreed. "Let's stop at a cute diner or something!"

We finally passed a place called, "Jerry's fish fry" and said it was good enough. Of course, the inside of the joint reeked of fish. We were sat in a corner booth by a nice waitress and ordered our meals.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Aurelie said as she stood up from the booth.

"Me too," I said motioning for Thomas to move. He stood up slowly as I scootched out of the booth.

Aurelie silently walked forward as I followed her to the restroom.

I opened the stall door and walked towards the sink that was next to the one in which Aurelie was washing her hands.

"Aurelie I hate that you're still mad at me," I said looking at her through the mirror. She looked up at me and sighed.

"I'm not mad," she said unconvincingly. "Being angry with people can create bad energy that I don't want to be associated with!"

"You say that, and I believe that's how you want to feel, but I still think you're mad at me," I said switching off the water.

She ripped away two paper towels and handed one to me.

"I'm just- I'm trying to figure you out," she began. We walked over to the garbage to throw out our trash. "Who is Aero? To me, it almost feels like we're back to square one. Like we just met. So no, I'm not mad, I'm just trying to reintroduce myself to you. Or you to me? I don't know, I'm still confused."

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