Chapter 16: Nightmares and Voldemort.

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Harry was shaking, by the time, they reached back to the common room. Y/N wasn't looking too good, either, her mind was racing with thoughts.

Hermione and Ron just stared at their two friends, worriedly- when Harry finally broke the ice.

"It was Voldemort." He finally said. Y/N froze.

Their eyes widened, "What?! What do you mean?!"

"In the clearing back there, we saw Voldemort. He's the one hunting for the unicorn's blood."

"Wha- how? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Firenze told me, so-"

"Who?" Ron seemed perplexed.

"A centaur." Hermione answered for them, and looked at Harry again, "Did you talk to him?"

"Of course, I did! He told me, myself!" Harry was pacing back-and-forth, sweating nervously.

"No- I mean.. did you talk to-"

But, Harry wasn't listening. He kept muttering to himself, "Snape wants the stone for Voldemort.. and Voldemort’s waiting in the Forest.. and all this time, we thought Snape just wanted to get rich.."

"Stop saying the name!" said Ron in a terrified whisper, as if he thought Voldemort could hear them.

Harry still wasn’t listening, "Firenze saved me, but he shouldn’t have done.. Bane was furious… he was talking about interfering with what the planets say is going to happen.. They must show that Voldemort’s coming back.. Bane thinks Firenze should have let Voldemort kill me… I suppose that’s written in the stars as well."

"Will you stop saying the name!"
Ron hissed.

"And, will you two shut up?!" Y/N stood up, furious.

All three stared at her.

She turned to Ron, first, "Fear of the name, increases fear of the thing, itself. Voldemort won't come running to us, just because we said his name."

He looked down.

"Harry." She looked at him, "Voldemort's too weak to come back, if he's feeding on unicorn's blood. Besides, no one can hurt you, when Dumbledore's here."

"But, Firenze-"

"-could be wrong. He was talking about astronomy. The most imprecise branch of magic."

"Let's stop worrying about this, now and get to bed. Exams start tomorrow."

They didn't refute.

But, that night when Harry Potter returned to his room, he noticed the Invisibility Cloak folded neatly under his sheets, with a note.

Just in case, it said.


"Austara." The male voice called out, sharply.

The woman just stopped, but didn't turn back.

"When were you going to tell me, about this?" She asked.

No answer.

"Does Dumbledore know?"

No answer, again.

She inhaled, sharply and continued walking.

But, someone grabbed her arm and turned her, harshly towards himself.

It was Riddle. Tom Riddle.

"What was I supposed to do, then?" His usually cold expression was clouded with emotion.

Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone (Female Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now