Chapter 17: Tough Choices.

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Harry was angry. It was quite obvious with how his stature changed and, his eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought, as the quartet walked back to the common room, dejected.

Dumbledore had left Hogwarts for 'business with the Ministry' as McGonagall called it.

It didn't help, that they had blurted out about the Stone, and received a lecture instead. Snape telling them off, after that, was just like a cherry on top.

"Well, that’s it then, isn’t it?" Harry said.

The three stared at him. He was pale and his eyes were glittering.

"I’m going out of here tonight and I’m going to try and get to the
Stone first."

"What?" Y/N looked surprised, like she hadn't expected that reaction.

"You're mad!" Ron bellowed.

"You can’t!" said Hermione. "After what McGonagall and Snape have said? You’ll be expelled!"

Y/N turned to Hermione, "It's not that-"

"SO WHAT?" Harry shouted, and the three almost jumped. "Don’t you understand? If Snape gets hold of the Stone, Voldemort’s coming back! Haven’t you heard what it was like when he was trying to take over? There won’t be any Hogwarts to get expelled from! He’ll flatten it, or, turn it into a school for the Dark Arts! Losing points doesn’t matter any more, can’t you see? D’you think he’ll leave you and your families alone if Gryffindor win the House Cup? If I get caught before I can get to the Stone, well, I’ll have to go back to the Dursleys and wait for Voldemort to find me there. It’s only dying a bit later than I would have done, because I’m never going over to the Dark Side! I’m going through that trapdoor tonight and nothing you three, say is going to stop me! Voldemort killed my parents, remember?"

He glared at them, but no one responded.

"He's right." said Y/N eventually, in a small voice. She looked lost in thought, her face devoid of any emotions.

"I’ll use the Invisibility Cloak," said Harry. "It’s just lucky I got it

"But will it cover all four of us?" said Ron.

"All- all four of us?"

"Oh, come off it, you don’t think we’d let you go alone?"

Harry looked at Ron, who smiled in encouragement.

"Of course not," said Hermione briskly. "How do you think you’d get to the Stone without us? Y/N and I better go and look through our books, there might be something useful, right?"

Y/N just gave her a small smile.

"But if we get caught, you'll be expelled too-"

"Not if I can help it." said Hermione grimly, "Flitwick told me Y/N and I have both scored more than hundred points in the exam. I doubt, they'll throw us out, after that."


Hermione Granger sat on her bed in the dorm, she shared with other four girls- looking for enchantments, they'd break in their little trip later.

After reading for an hour, her concentration finally drifted away from the book on her lap, and she could hear the Parvati and Lavender chatting about something, while braiding each other's hair's. Katie Bell was asleep on her bed.

Y/N was sitting near the window, a stray book opened but left unattended, as she looked outside.

Hermione walked over to her and took a seat in front of her. She wasn't dumb, it was obvious Y/N seemed quieter than usual. She was obviously affected by something.

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