Wolf Returns and Wedding Bells

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Embrys POV

Ever since Jake left Wren hadn't been the same. Her smile wasn't as bright anymore, her eyes didn't have the same glint in them when she laughed at one of Seth's corny Jokes or whenever one of us would throw her in the ocean and she pretended to be mad at us but we always knew she wasn't. Now as she sat beside me on a log looking out over the beach with a small smile on her face. It had been about six weeks since he left but we could all tell she was slowly coming back to us, piece by piece. 

A howl in the distance made her gaze brake from the water as she looked towards the forest, letting out a groan. "That's my que, I have patrol with Paul and ever since he imprinted on Rachel that's ALL he thinks about." I laughed and she stuck her tongue out at me. She stood up and ruffled my hair before jumping up, shifting in mid air and letting out a howl signaling she was on her way before running off.

I watched her run off and smiled slightly. I had grown closer to Wren over the past month, she was my best friend other than Jake and Quill. It made me happy that she was starting to go back to normal, the entire pack was starting to go back to normal. I sighed and shook my head, the pack wasn't back to normal, one of our brothers had left. It felt like I was missing a limb. I stood up and started walking down the beach, the opposite way that Wren had gone. Maybe I could clear my head.

I started walking, kicking rocks and driftwood as I went, until I saw a figure coming towards me maybe twenty meters away but I could see it crystal clear with my amazing eye sight. It only took a few seconds for me to meet him halfway and as he opened his mouth to speak I swung back my fist and hit him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling backwards a few steps. Maybe Bella broke her hand when she punched him but It didn't faze me.

"Ow! What the hell man?" He steadied himself and glared at me while massaging his jaw. "What was that for!" 

"That's for leaving  and not saying anything." 

"It's not like I was planning it! It just happened ok? I didn't know what else to do!" He defended himself but it just made me angrier.

"You could've at least told Wren! Or left her a note! You know the kind of hell you put her through?" 

"I know Embry, I could feel her pain, don't you get that? Actually, never mind, you wouldn't know that because you don't have a imprint. I do 'Em! Everything that she was going through I went through it too!" 

"Your right Jake, I don't have a imprint. But if I did I would sure as hell treat her better then how you treated Wren. You think you felt what she was going through? She tried to kill herself Jacob! After you left I barely stopped her from jumping over the cliff edge. The same cliff edge you saved her from when she fell over it by accident. This time she tried on purpose." 

"Why? Why would she do that?" He looked down at the ground, stunned.

"Because you broke her Jacob. Because you left, not thinking of anyone but yourself. You have to fix this Jake, you left her broken and even though we did the best we could, nobody can fix her accept you. She loves you Jake and I know you love her so help her." The last sentence came out as barely more than a whisper but I know he heard me. 

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