Chapter 5: The Wedding (Part 1)

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~April 17, 1,118~


*Maria's POV*

When i woke up i saw two maids in my room getting my dress out, and when i looked at my side i saw scarlet, she saw that i was awake and pulled me out of the bed and to the wash room. when we got to the wash room i saw Freya and Francesca by the bath tub "Your Highness, we need to get you ready in time or Kaik will have our heads" Freya said, i nodded not saying anything and stripped my clothes off and got in the tub. After i got out of the bath, we went back to my chambers, and they started doing my hair in a low updo with the same crown i wore to dinner with Kaik, my make-up was a shade of a light pink and mixture of gold and with the make-up is a design with flowers. After that Freya, Scarlet, and Francesca helped me get into the wedding dress which was a big white ball gown with designs at the bottom of the dress and at the top. After that they put my shoes on which were white with a design in the back of the foot, and then put my old jewelry on with my Sapphire ring. After all of that we finally finished i looked at myself in the mirror and didn't recognize myself, i loved everything but i hate that i am getting married to Kaik i wish i was getting married to colin. "Your Majesty, you look very beautiful, Kaik will definitely love you even more" Scarlet said i was about to say something but i got interrupted by a knock from the door, Freya went to go open it, when Freya opened the door there was a marter standing at the door "Your Majesty, Kaik is ready" he said i nodded and he left. After he left Freya, Scarlet, and Francesca did some final touches and then they started leading me down to where the door was at and then i heard Wedding Bells.

~In the Ruins of Nydaviel~


*Celia's POV*

"We need to get started" i said already in my armor, all the soldiers nodded "Then let's Go" i said and we all started marching out of the house, Colin and I where leading the army. Before we even got close to the Palace we could already hear the wedding bells "Hurry up or we will be late, and the spell wont work" colin said "Colin we will make it in time, i promise" i said remembering the spell my grandmother did.

~14 Hours Ago~


"The Binding Spell" i said my Aunt nodded "What's The Binding Spell" Colin asked i was about to explain it to him but my Aunt beat me to it "The Binding Spell is where a man and a woman who are soul mates-Like you and Maria- will bind together into one so if the man or woman died there power will be in there hands and will be able to control it or if the are going to be married to another and not there soul mate the power of the spell wont allow the marriage and the person who is marrying that man or woman will die instantly,

that is what the binding spell is Colin and that's why we have to do it to you and Maria" my Aunt said i was shocked to be honest knowing that my brother and my best friend sister are soul mates "But how do you know we are soul mates and how will you do the spell" Colin asked my Aunt had a look on her face as if saying are-you-serious "I know because ever since you two were kids i could feel it and so could Maria's parents may they rest in peace, and how i will do the spell is when you are asleep it will be quick and painless" she said i nodded at him he nodded as well "well then its settled now go to sleep my children, i'll be back in an hour you wont even know i'm here" she said then left before i could even blink my eyes.


We finally got to the palace and hid behind some burnt bushes, i looked out from behind the bush and saw three Zears guarding the gate i looked at my brother and nodded at him indicating for him to go he nodded and got up quietly and took some of the army with him.

*Colin's POV*

Me and my Army where walking to where the Zears where at but we were hiding every now and then, when we finally got close enough to one of the Zears i slit its throat and it fell to the ground with a thud that got the other Zears attention but we hid quickly in the bush that was there cause it was big for the whole army. The Zears came over to inspect the body "Someone's here" the Zear said the other Zear nodded and they both unleashed there swords "whoever you are come out" the Zear said i was about to come out but i saw my sister come up behind them and slit both of there throats, me and everybody got out of the bush and started walking to the gate to stop the wedding.

*Maria's POV*

I was standing behind the doors when they finally opened. When the doors opened i saw many Zears but also some of my people and then i saw the devil himself standing in the front in his King "Uniform" i then started walking down the isle when the wedding music started to play. i saw everybody staring at me when i was walking down the isle. when i finally got to the front i gave my flowers to Freya who was behind me the whole time. i then looked at the Zear in front of me who is going to wed me with the king of Zeartinatia "Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today for the wedding of King Kaik of Zeartinatia and Queen Maria Of Nydaviel to witness them in holy matrimony" the Zear began to speak "Now King Kaik of Zeartinatia do you take Queen Maria of Nydaviel to be your wife for as long as you both shall live" the Zear said "I Do" Kaik said smiling at me in a disgusting way. The Zear who was wedding us turned to me "Now do you Queen Maria of Nydaviel here by take King Kaik of Zeartinatia as your husband or as long as you both shall live" he said "I D-" "STOP THE WEDDING" I heard a all to familiar voice i turned around and saw Colin and Celia "COLIN CELIA" I yelled they turned to look at me and smiled then turned back to Kaik "Kaik stop this now" Celia said Kaik looked at her and said "Now why the hell would i do that" Celia and Colin smirked at each other, then they did some kind of noise that sounded like a screech of an animal, and i guess i was right cause i heard a rumble from outside the Palace but before i could hear anymore the the window shattered and all hell broke loose and they started fighting.



What Animal Do You Think Colin and Celia Called?

Will Kaik Run Away or Stay Where He Is at?

I have decided to add some more to this chapter but Chapter 2 is where its all going to start. So if you can please give me ideas on what you guys want in the next chapter or want to happen please and thank you BYE LOVELIES.

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