Part 24

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Mia's POV

I liked Lily a lot, she was nice to be around. Nate left a while ago and once we finished our book, Lily started telling me about her own stories. The adventures she's been on and the trouble she's gotten herself as well as both Kayden and Nate into. We didn't have a quiet moment since Lily always had more to talk about. I really enjoyed hearing her go on though, she looked so happy.

We had both moved to the carpet by the bed  at this point. I think she was starting to get uncomfortable on the floor and I felt bad about that. Humans shouldn't be on the floor so I'm not sure why she doesn't sit on the couch or the bed, but it's also nice having her stay by my side.

We've been on our backs looking up at the ceiling while she went on about her past and childhood, talking about Kayden a lot too. Currently she's telling me about the time when Kayden made her sneak freshly baked cookies from the kitchen and how she got in trouble for it.

"He still owes me for that, next time mom makes cookies I'm gunna set him up, tell him to go grab me a bunch and make sure he gets caught! He may be the alpha but you don't mess with our moms desserts." She erupted in laughter and I couldn't stop my wolf smile showing through.

I jumped when the door opened, both me and Lily sat up to see who it was.
"If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted moms cookies and couldn't wait tell dessert, then tried to blame it on me!" he clutched his shirt by his heart and made an exaggerated face as if he was hurt by the betrayal. He couldn't hide his playful smirk as Lily went red. "That's besides the point" she muttered before laughing, knowing she got caught.

I couldn't imagine doing anything like that now, but I remember I used to sneak a piece of bacon every time my dad would cook it with breakfast. He would always laugh when my secret attempts failed and would pretend to sneak a piece himself as if he wasn't the one who cooked them. I smiled at the memory and wondered if me and Kayden would be like that too.

"How are you guys getting along? Is the carpet really that comfortable?" I looked up and felt a slight wag in my tail seeing Kayden. The damn thing can't be controlled! But thankfully they don't seem to mind. It just made them both smile when they looked at me. Kayden wasn't as scary as he used to be, my body keeps wanting to be near him and to trust him. It was strange and scary, but I decided to try and welcome the good things while it lasted.

"I must say Kayden, you do seem to have quite the cozy carpet, I might have to come and hang out with Mia here more often." She smiled bright again answering his question. I felt warm with how happy she looked. But I knew this time Lily wasn't telling the truth, she kept adjusting and moving around in different positions. It couldn't have been easy to stay on the floor so long. I bowed my head feeling bad that she did it for me.

"Hey don't look so down, I enjoyed it, really" she ruffled my head fur and I flinched away but recovered quickly when I realized she wasn't upset. "How about I leave you guys be, I wanna go see Jackson"

I started getting nervous when she said she was going, Lily made me feel different, like I didn't have to be scared all the time. It was getting easier with Kayden but his power still scared me. It's like I was drawn to him but afraid of him all in one. It made me feel conflicted and confused, which makes me want to avoid the entire situation.

Lily got up after on last pet on my head and started walking to the door. She paused and glanced at me "I'll see you soon, probably tomorrow ok Mia? I'll have to find another book we can read together." She gave me another warm smile before she left. I watched the door for a few moments kinda wishing they both could stay here.

"Are you ok with that Mia? If Lily came over again tomorrow?" I shifted my eyes from the door to Kayden as he spoke to me.. asking another question. I don't like questions, I'm not allowed to answer and it means I have to choose. What if I choose incorrectly and they get mad, it's too much pressure. I tried to think what they would both want and decided to nod yes. Maybe a bit because I also wanted to see her again..

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