Part 6

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Kayden's POV

I see Callin leave the room and think that he's just going to get his pack members together.

'Why does the beta look so angry?' I hear Judy question through the mind link.

'Ya, did something happen in there?' I then hear Kenneth say.

'No he seemed a little tense but that was it' I speak through the mind link while a bit confused myself, the alpha seems tense as well I think as I observe him closer. Maybe there just stressed about the alliance?

I hear Zander mumbling in my head and he seems distressed 'Zander what's up? You don't seem like yourself at all today, talk to me'

'Sometimes wrong I can feel it and I don't like' he responded making me worry.

'Ok Kenneth, you and Judy head down to where the Half Moon pack members are gathering and keep an eye out' I wanted them to look around and see if they saw anything suspicious, but I'll wait until I meet the pack first to make any possibly false assumptions.

"I sent my two warriors down to accompany your pack members and start talking with them" I informed Rick.
He looked at me and nodded.

"So what else did you need to know"

"Well if all goes good then we'll be out of your pack and our alliance will be set" I looked at him to see if his face held anything that they might be hiding.

"Sounds good, now how about we head downstairs and you can meet my pack Alpha Kayden"

"I think that's a good idea" I felt a bit of tension in the room as I was sure he was hiding something, Zander never acts weird like this.

I followed Rick down the stairs and toward where his pack was gathered together, I look around and see maybe 200-250 wolves, that's an average sized pack, I have 413 wolves in my own pack since I have the space and power to have that many members.

"Here is all my pack members other then I have two patrols out but I hope you find everything well" he slightly lowered his head in respect and I returned the gesture.
Rick walked off towards his beta and a few other wolves to discuss something and observe the gathering.

I saw a small group of 3 lower classed pack members which looked to be omegas by their scent, and decided to speak with them.
"Hello I'm alpha Kayden" I looked into their eyes but they soon looked away shaking a bit.
It's not abnormal for lower class wolves to be submissive so I didn't want to think anything of it.

"Umm h..hi.." the male spoke after a few seconds only glancing at me a few times.

"How is your life in the pack? Are you treated well" Cleaning or cooking is ok for omegas but if they told me they get hit or anything of that sort then I would have to report the pack and what was happening to the king and elders, abuse of any sort is not allowed to members of someones own pack all ranks should be treated fairly. The alliance would be broken as well I don't want anything to do with a pack who promotes abuse.

"It's uhh.. good" he simply answered so I nodded and after some small chat I decided to speak with some other wolves.
Everything seemed to look normal and it was going smoothly until I felt Zander burst through the barrier I had made to contain him, then felt a sudden strong pull towards the main entrance hall as Zander begged me to check it out. I couldn't resist his pull as he was beginning to show and tried to take over. While walking out of the dinning room I knew my eyes had flakes of gold since my wolf was so close to the surface.
I took a deep breath in and my eyes opened wide, there seemed to be a very faint scent of honey and cinnamon that I feel in love with instantly and made Zander and I purr but then I curled my noes in disgust as I smelt a hint of blood. I followed the scent to where it got stronger and more intense which was to a door. I tried to open it to take a look but the door was locked.

'Jackson I need you by the main entrance hall immediately'
I wanted a second thought on this as I was getting rather unsettled. Zander was giving me a headache as he kept repeating 'open the door, somethings not right' I felt a shiver go through my body as I couldn't help but agree with him, something was definitely not right. Ever since I got here I had bad vibes and felt unsettled this is only making it worse.

I rubbed my temples as I saw Jackson walk around the corner then rush over to me when we made eye contact and he saw the state I was in.
"Alpha Kayden! What's wrong?"

"I don't know Zander is yelling and there are so many scents here, do you smell blood??"
I watched as Jackson took a deep breath and looked at me with concern and confusion.

"Ya I smell blood, is the door locked?" He spoke as he tried to open the door anyways not waiting for my response.

"What are you doing out here?" I looked over to see Callin glare at us but he spoke calmly.

"Why is this door locked and why do I smell blood" I growled out.

He rolled his eyes "that's our basement and we sometimes keep rogues down there so we can get some information out of them, if you smell blood that's because we had a rogue recently but it was killed a few days ago"

I would have almost believed him but his story had a flaw, this blood scent is fresh, definitely not a few days old and his story almost seemed like it was rehearsed, the pull I had to see what was in the basement was too strong. "I want to see the basement" i said getting a bit suspicious.
I saw his eyes darken to a dark gold which showed his wolf was present. He then growled.

"Can't do that sorry" he spat out.

That's when I had enough so I kicked the door down hard and instantly the intense smell of blood hit me.

"Alpha Kayden what are you doing tearing down my pack house!" I hear Ricks voice boom out and I knew I found something they didn't want me to find.

Jackson growled at the men to distract them while I rushed down the stairs expecting to see one of their pack members or something but I didn't see anything.
I second guessed myself thinking that I could be wrong but the odd feelings and scent of blood was to strong to be nothing. I started looking around then I hear the faintest whimper come from the stack of boxes near a tarp and am instantly pushing them aside to reveal a small cage barely fitting the small wolf that lay inside.
I make slight eye contact with the female and Zander shouts 'Mate!! Mate!! Get her out!!''
My heart breaks then I fill with anger as I feel Zander take over and break the lock with a single swipe.
I carefully pick my mate up but see her eyes roll back and struggle to feel her faint heartbeat I noticed that she's covered in so much blood that I can't even tell what colour her fur is.

'Jackson hurry, I need to get to the pack doctor as soon as possible!' I yell through the mind link and rush upstairs faster then I've ever ran before and I'm out the door in seconds.

Avoiding pack members and hearing their gasps and growls I run through the woods not caring if any of my pack is keeping up.
I hear a small groan and look down to see gorgeous icey blue eyes for only a split second until they close again and if it's even possible I ran faster.

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